The saga of the sevens or I finally got a range day


Dec 11, 2010
Yesterday I decided to hell with the heat and loaded up a test series for the .280 Rem., IME7828SSC and the 150 gr. Nosler ABLR. I started the series with 57.0 gr. and went up in half grain increments to the book max of 59.0 gr.I ran each series in three shot groups starting with the 150 gr. Remington factory ammo.

Velocity was 2840, 2352 and 2840 FPS for an average of 2844 FPS.

Test loads:
1. 57.0gr. 2861 FPS avg. ES30 group 1.75"

2. 57.5gr. 2879 FPS avg. ES59 group 1.55"

3. 58.0gr. 2935 FPS avg. ES15 group 1.25"

4. 58.5gr. 2995 FPS avg. ES37 group 1.25"

5. 59.0gr. 3010 FPS avg. ES10 group 1.00"

Decided to shoot up the last five rounds of factory ammo I had with me from a full magazine and found out the ammo binds up and jams the gun. I'll probably take it back to the gunsmith that built it tomorrow. I'm way too beat to do it today. between the heat and my bad knee I'm done for the day.
The whole range session was kind of a wierd deal anyway. I got here at 7 AM when they opened up and until about 10:30 when people started showing up had the place to my self. That almost never happens. I'd also brought my 30-06 to run a load over the chronograph and my custom 7x57 and .257 Bob Winchester Fwt. I wanted to do seating depth test with the .257 and 7x57 and the TSX bullets. Well other than the 30-06 load was a bit disapointing refarding velocity and the .257 Bob shot sub-MOA after the first seating depth tweak (at least that worked out) then things went to hell . The 7x57 has an old original Redfield scope 1.5x5 and the first shot wasn't even on the paper. :shock: At shot number two the crosshair disappeared. :( To be fair I bought that thing sometime in the mid 1970's. Oh well.
The wierdest thing though was regardless of the powder charges, ever primer was flat. Some very flat. :?: This was on every cartridge I shot regardless of calliber. Even in the early part of the session when the temp was around 68 or so and it really didn't start to get all that hot until abou 11, give of take a few minutes. I took the last five rounds of factory and loaded the magazine and I got a jam. It's definitely a magazine problem. I've had this rifle for about three or four years and the few range sessions I've always just single loaded it. Never did use it much because it was too heavy (About 10 pounds) Decided to use it for my elk hunt this year because of my eye surgery and while the doc says recoil shouldn't be a problem, I've heard otherwise. Kind of means my .35 Whelen has to stay home. :( :cry:
Paul B.
That 59 grain charge looks pretty danged good for your initial outting PJ. Seems like the 280 is running well. Good luck getting the rifles repaired.
The .280 is easy to love. About everyone (except for a few curmudgeons) falls in love with the cartridge when they actually shoot one. It does sound as if the 7X57 needs some attention. I'm certain you'll get it worked out shortly.
Very instructive session; thanks for posting! Out of curiosity, were you using standard or magnum primers in the .280?
Hegland":et16i35j said:
Very instructive session; thanks for posting! Out of curiosity, were you using standard or magnum primers in the .280?

I was using the standard Winchester WLR primers. I'm thinking of trying another work up with magnum primers. Haven't quite made up my mind yet. I'm really pleased on how that load worked out. I just happened to find that powder (IMR7828SSC)while trying to find Re22.
The 7x57 will be easy to square away. Just put another scope on it. :wink: I'll be off to my gunsmith in about an hour once I get a list done up for things to try and find at my LGS.
I was helping a fellow pick a bullet for his 7MM-08 to use on his cow elk hunt. I suggested the 150 gt. ABLR based partly on Dr. Mikes success but if he was worried to give Nosler a call and ask, which he did BTW. Ne said that a Mike at Nosler told him that the ABLR was too fragile for the 7MM-08 and to use the regular AB instead. :shock: Guess Dr. Mike's elk didn't know he was shot with an improper too fragile bullet. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm not worried as I still have the Partitions and Grand Slams to play with.
Paul B.
What kind of eye surgery are you having Paul? If it is just for cataracts the lens replacement should not be an issue after a couple of months. I have had cataract surgery in both eyes and had no problem shooting the .340 Weatherby after the second surgery and a .338 WM after the first surgery. However, if the surgery is for retina issues, you might be out of luck?
OT3, it was cataract surgey on both eyes. That's good to know. I'm thinking the doctor just might be a bit overly cautious. I don't think he hunts or even shoots but gave no indication of being anti gun or hunting. I'll have my last follow up one October 28. Gonna take me a while getting used to not wearing glasses all the time Wore them for 69 years. Interesting thing is I can now see the front sight on some of my rifles like my M94 Winchester. I've missed shooting that one. Now I have to wear glases to work on the computer or read a book. Before, I read books without glasses. Should be interesting when I get around to replacing the scope on that 7x57. :lol: FWIW, I am 20/20 now in both eyes.
Paul B.
That's excellent PJ! Glad you got the internal sights dialed in!

I am sure you'll enjoy shooting all of the rifles and handguns that were tough to see the sights on! Way to go. I imagine you'll shoot even better now.
Paul, my eyes also went back to 20/20 after surgery as well. It sure is nice to see again! I just had my 5th year checkup on my second cataract and despite the .340 Weatherby, it is still perfectly placed. I do not think that a 7mm Mag (and I have one) will hurt your surgery, or move the lens one bit after a couple months off to give it time to heal.
That sounds good to me. I think this year I'll just stick to the .280 (10 pounder) and a fairly heavy 30-06 for the back up rifle. I did run the .280 up to the max load from the Nosler book and velocity was good and the group was very good. Guess now it will be up to me to put it in the right place. (150 gr. ABLR, 59.0 gr. IMR7828SSC, Winchester nickle plated brass and WLR primer. Group was .716"x.466".) When I get the rifle back from the gunsmith's, I'll run some more and see if the groups hold up.
I'm wondering, has anyone worked with the 140 gr. TSX bullet in the .280 or 7x57 and how well did they work on game. I have a few and i'm thinking if they're suitable, that would go some to reduce recoil even more, that that the rifle kicks much due to the weight. Guess I'll do a series with them as well. I still have the Nosler partitions and Speer Grand Slams to play with as well. Whichever shoots the best will be what I go with.
Now it's wait impatiently for my rifle to get done. :(
Paul B.
PJGunner":3sibdkz1 said:
That sounds good to me. I think this year I'll just stick to the .280 (10 pounder) and a fairly heavy 30-06 for the back up rifle. I did run the .280 up to the max load from the Nosler book and velocity was good and the group was very good. Guess now it will be up to me to put it in the right place. (150 gr. ABLR, 59.0 gr. IMR7828SSC, Winchester nickle plated brass and WLR primer. Group was .716"x.466".) When I get the rifle back from the gunsmith's, I'll run some more and see if the groups hold up.
I'm wondering, has anyone worked with the 140 gr. TSX bullet in the .280 or 7x57 and how well did they work on game. I have a few and i'm thinking if they're suitable, that would go some to reduce recoil even more, that that the rifle kicks much due to the weight. Guess I'll do a series with them as well. I still have the Nosler partitions and Speer Grand Slams to play with as well. Whichever shoots the best will be what I go with.
Now it's wait impatiently for my rifle to get done. :(
Paul B.

Paul, if your doing well with the 150 ABLR's, I believe they will do the trick buddy. Accuracy seems real good and I am betting the speeds are good as well.

Not the exact same bullet, but looking at it, I am betting your North of these projections with the ABLR... Seems like an Elk Slayer to me.

Cartridge : .280 Rem.
Bullet : .284, 150, Nosler CT BalSilTip 51110
Useable Case Capaci: 60.002 grain H2O = 3.896 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.330 inch = 84.58 mm
Barrel Length : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder : IMR 7828 SSC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 1.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step Fill. Charge Vel. Energy Pmax Pmuz Prop.Burnt B_Time
% % Grains fps ft.lbs psi psi % ms

-10.0 93 53.10 2642 2324 40475 10519 91.0 1.358
-09.0 94 53.69 2675 2383 41893 10667 91.6 1.336
-08.0 96 54.28 2708 2442 43367 10812 92.3 1.314
-07.0 97 54.87 2741 2503 44897 10954 92.9 1.293
-06.0 98 55.46 2774 2564 46486 11091 93.5 1.272
-05.0 99 56.05 2808 2626 48142 11224 94.1 1.251
-04.0 100 56.64 2841 2689 49862 11352 94.6 1.231
-03.0 101 57.23 2875 2753 51651 11476 95.1 1.211
-02.0 102 57.82 2908 2817 53515 11595 95.6 1.191
-01.0 103 58.41 2942 2883 55453 11709 96.1 1.172 ! Near Maximum !
+00.0 104 59.00 2976 2949 57475 11818 96.6 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
+01.0 105 59.59 3010 3017 59579 11922 97.0 1.134 ! Near Maximum !
+02.0 106 60.18 3043 3085 61774 12019 97.4 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
+03.0 107 60.77 3077 3154 64065 12111 97.8 1.097 ! Near Maximum !
+04.0 108 61.36 3111 3224 66454 12197 98.1 1.079 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+05.0 109 61.95 3145 3294 68951 12276 98.4 1.062 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba 104 59.00 3145 3294 69904 11729 99.9 1.061 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba 104 59.00 2754 2526 46676 11165 88.4 1.270
I am eye switched with my dominant eye being my left. I have a "freckle" on the retina of my left eye which is precancerous (melanoma) and has to be laser cut and removed off of the retina with a sample for cancer testing. It is bothering me right now because I can not see correctly through the center of the retina. It hurts my reading and my pistol shooting which I do with my left eye. If it is cancer, it will be the fourth cancer that I have had in my life and although I am fortunate to have survived but how many times do I have to have cancer?
OT3, that don't sound good. I had prostate cancer a while back but it's been close to 6 years now and I'm testing cancer free. I got lucky and caught it early. Hope it stays that way.
Paul B.
I just got reamed for Prostate cancer and a bladder scan (from the inside) about 3 weeks ago. It was negative but I had pulled out a fully inserted and inflated Foley catheter last September when I coded. Doing that pullout damaged my Ureter and it still is messed up (oversized) causing problems. No cancer though!
Oldtrader3":i1ymgyzb said:
I just got reamed for Prostate cancer and a bladder scan (from the inside) about 3 weeks ago. It was negative but I had pulled out a fully inserted and inflated Foley catheter last September when I coded. Doing that pullout damaged my Ureter and it still is messed up (oversized) causing problems. No cancer though!

That's great Charlie! Glad your cancer free!

I say this with all due respect Charlie! Get to shooting buddy! Always good to see your results. Besides, that big 7 of yours probably needs a good workout :grin:
Scotty, tomorrow, weather willing, I am taking the 7mm Mag Mauser with the ABLR 168 bullets and the .270 Win Model 70 with the new Zeiss Hd5 scope to the range for a workout!