The Whelen speaks!


May 18, 2011
I got my 35 Whelen to the range tonight. A quick version of the rifle's back-story:

This rifle started life as a Model 70 DBM-S (Detachable Box Magazine-Synthetic) rifle in 30-06. It came in an injection molded plastic stock. For several years, it was a great shooter with Hornady Light Mag ammo, then it kinda stopped shooting well. I tore my hair out reloading trying to get it back, to no avail. So I pillared and bedded the crappy stock. Then it shot 0.5-0.8" at 100. But I knew I wanted to get it in a new stock eventually.

Summer 2012, I bought a "user grade" pre64 30-06 with the intent to make a Whelen from it. Problem was, I liked it too much! So the Classic got the nod.

This summer I sent it to JES Reboring and Jess worked his magic. I bought parts from Winchester's part dept to replace the mag setup with a standard floorplate (1-piece bottom metal), and an internal setup. Then I bought a McMillan off 24HCF for it. Problem was, it didn't fit the stock. McMillan had me send it back, and after some negotiations, they fixed it free of charge.

I received the completed rifle on Wed. and mounted up the Swaro Z3 3-10x42 I've had waiting for it.

Tonight I shot it with three loads.... 55.0gr, 56.0gr, and 57.0gr of IMR4320 under a 250gr Speer HotCor.

Here are the results:





The POI is higher because I had to use a center hold (had to use that dot to zero, so I wanted to make sure shots didn't run together from the sighters). I used a 6 o'clock hold for the 55.0gr load.

Both measure about 0.95". Tonight I put 12 rds down the tube. Aside from whatever JES put through it to test fire it, that's all the rounds in the barrel since it was redone.

To say I'm happy is an understatement!
td , the groups look great it looks like it's a real shooter. What type of bore did you get,3,4 or 5 grove? and lets see some pics of the finished rifle. Where in Pa. are you located?
That will certainly work, congrats on getting a Whelen there are a few guys that have both a 264 WM and 35 Whelen now (including me) you have good taste :)
Thanks guys!

I'm tickled with those groups. For all of twelve rounds down the tube, that's a heck of a start right out of the gate.

I can probably push those fliers in, but with a hunting trip coming up in less than 2 weeks, I'm happy.

Truck driver, I'm near Reading, PA. You in PA also?

I'll post some better pics later, but there are some pics in the Fall Hunting Guns thread.

Oh, and Gerry, I also have a 257 Bob and 300 H&H. I like classy rifles. :)
Welcome to the family :wink:. I think that you will really enjoy that Whelen!! See guys it is just a matter of time first the Whelen then the urge to shoulder on the left side :x.

Those groups have to be gratifying. It is always great when a project works out for us.
Thanks, DrMike. They are indeed gratifying.

I think they'll get tuned in a bit yet, too, but MOA will certainly do for a whitetail/hog expedition, which is what I have coming up.

I have to get water capacity from my cases and such, but initial estimates from QL run about 2570 for velocity on that 250gr HotCor. That should work. :)
td, I'm down in Union Bridge, Md. about 2hrs away. Which bore configuration did you get, 3,4,or5 grove?

Very nice buddy.
You are going to love the 35 Whelen, its a hammer. Take a look at RL 15, it seems to shoot well for
everyone that tries it. 59.5 grs and a 250 gr PT is running 2574 fps out of a 700 Classic with a 22" barrel and .7" groups at 100 yds.

Looks good and that you got it together. Good luck on your hunt. I haven't tried the 250 Speers but I got the 250 Part with R15 shooting very well @ 2500.
JD posted as I was typing, I worked up to 59 grns which chronos at 2500 from my 23" Shilen
Yeah, I'd say you're pretty well set. The .264 and .35 make a very complementary and able battery on their own; the .257 and Holland nestled in there are pure class. I'm with the others, though... A .280 would nicely fill the 7mm bore size in your lineup. :)

Congrats on your rifle!
Very nice Tom. Never had a doubt it would shoot. Looks like 4320 is going to work excellent. Anything 2500+ will be excellent. Just a great set up.
Jim, I'd use RL15.....if I could find it! I have a better chance of meeting an alien life form in my kitchen than I do of finding RL15 for sale anywhere.

I measured my case capacity and fed that data to QL. Looks like I'm WELL under max, but should put me at 2499fps, give or take. I'm not sure it's worth pushing on it to get to the 2600-2610 it says I can reach? It shoots pretty well where it's at.
Tom, Try T&T above Easton. I'm not sure what he has right now, but I got a 5# jug of R15 in the beginning of the year.
Easton is a fair distance off for me, but maybe I'll call them. My kids would probably not be heartbroken to go to the Crayola Factory.

For now 4320 seems to work. After my hunting trip in a couple weeks, I can think about other options.