They Are Ruining The Olympics

3 Meter Para Bellum

Apr 17, 2020
What they have done at the Olympics this year is thoroughly disappointing. They have totally vulgarized the supplemental entertainment to a demented degree, included children in their digusting displays, singled out Christians as a target for insult, and now allow men to compete in women's competitions. Of course he called himself trans, but science clearly dictates trans doesn't have any root in reality other than pretending to be what you physically are not. A rock isn't water, wood isn't air, and a man cannot make himself a woman any more than he can make himself fly. Any man who competes in woman's sports is a liar, a bully and a cheat, and the Olympics have made it clear that they foster these attributes. Then they say their entertainment was merely intended to be "inclusive" while they insult Christians and attack anybody who thinks differently than themselves. How is it inclusive if you condemn anyone who dissagrees with you as a hater? Woke society is a cowardly, hypocritical, bullying, and lying breed.

I have had complaints with many sports throughout the years, including the Olympics, the only thing I really watch at this point is soccer, but what they have done this year is so far beyond anything I've heard of before it is mind boggling. I'd like to say I am surprised... I'm not. But it is wrong and I'm sick of the fact that nobody wants to speak out against it. I'm rather scared to think of what might be considered normal in the world by the time I ever have kids. God help us.
Well, I softly disagree. I have greatly enjoyed the games and the athletes and have cheered for my own country as hard as some of the others.
I try to look past the BS (and human s in the river) and enjoy the things that are done well. I don’t love it all, but I am enjoying most of it.


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Anything governments touch turns to !#$%?! pretty quickly. It appears to be a requirement that anyone associated with government or government-approved activities must have an empty cranium. If the cranium is filled with!#$%?!, so much the better.
I'm with firebird on this, like most of you I think governments everywhere can screw up a wet dream. This is no exception; however, try as they might the associated governments can't destroy my understanding of what it took to get to the Olympics as an athlete and my appreciation of their efforts.
Anything governments touch turns to !#$%?! pretty quickly. It appears to be a requirement that anyone associated with government or government-approved activities must have an empty cranium. If the cranium is filled with!#$%?!, so much the better.
Well said DR.
Cannot compare apples to oranges, men competes with men, and women competes with women, if a man changes his sexual gender, then he is still a man and should compete with men and not women. Gosh sakes men are clearly stronger than women, I don't see any fairness when they allow men who changed their gender and then compete with women.
I'm with firebird on this, like most of you I think governments everywhere can screw up a wet dream. This is no exception; however, try as they might the associated governments can't destroy my understanding of what it took to get to the Olympics as an athlete and my appreciation of their efforts.
I don't want to sound like I am throwing the baby out with the bathwater or that I hate everything Olympics related now. Like I said, this isn't the first time I've had a problem with a piece of the Olympics. I think you point out exactly why recent developments boil my blood though. There are honest athletes who spent a good portion of their lives dedicated to getting to the Olympics, then they are knocked out of contention because a man competed in a female devision. Now those women's efforts are largely wasted, which makes me feel really bad for them. The fact that this is starting to happen at all levels of women's sports is really taking us a step back in our progress of giving women all the opportunities that men have. We can't have proffessional women's sports available to the population if it ends up dominated by men. Then we just have men's sports, and men pretending to be women's sports.

I also want to make some notes on my comments towards those who are behind these sorts of problems. I mentioned that they label anyone who disagrees with them a hater, and based on my comments above you might suppose I am, but that is not true. To hate is to wish harm upon some one, I have no interest in that. I don't hate people for being wrong, but I do hate the wrong things they do. I believe that wrong should be called out and that better should be demanded by society. That I call them liars and bullies is not a statement of hate, it is a statement of fact deserving attention. The Bible says to love our neighbors, and to love our enimies too, and to pray for our government. It tells us to love good but also to hate evil. None of these are mutally exclusive, but it seems like the modern idea is to love everything and hate nothing. We tolerate evil in an attempt to love those who do evil. This is a mistake for yourself and for those who you are trying to love. This is a mistake for yourself because you are inviting evil into your life by not shunning it. And to illustrate why it is a mistake for those you are trying to love, think of it this way. If someone is on a train that is about to fall off a bridge, the loving thing to do is to tell them what is about to happen. All the more if that broken bridge used to span a hole in the ground called Hell. So we must always love good, and our neigbors, but also remember to hate evil.
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I understood your point, I agree in particular regarding government, throw in the IOC and the press you end up with a triathlon swimming event in a sewer. For those few moments in any event when you witness the culmination of a lifetime of work, I find that inspiring. mostly I just hit the mute button when the celebrity commentators start talking.
As to men competing in woman's sports I think that's a travesty.
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