Nothing spectacular but a good meat buck. I like to test out bullets I haven't tried yet when possible. This yr was 150 gr Speer Hot Cor in 30-06 as they shot lights out on paper. The shot was a steep downhill angle and the bullet entered a little low for that angle so I didn't get the immediate knock down that can often occur with a mid to high rib shot with a fast expanding bullet. Bullet entered the left lung and immediately went down through and took out the heart on exit. The buck staggered 10 steps downhill and stopped just barely long enough to see him do the ole weeble wobble before collapsing without merely a kick. From shot to collapse was maybe 3 seconds. Heart shots can often go 80 yds or more so I was quite pleased with at least the initial performance of this bullet at woods ranges. Both entrance and exit were around silver dollar size.



