Thought we had a pay if forward category?


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Looking to divest myself of extra equipment. I have a Magneto Speed Chronograph I will not use again, having gone with the Garmin. For the princely sum of $10.00 American, or Canadian for that matter, should cover shipping, I will send via usps the chronograph. It works just fine, I would like to pass it on to someone who could use it. Catherine and I are heading for the Kentucky Derby so I may not get it shipped right away.
Here it is.
Looking to divest myself of extra equipment. I have a Magneto Speed Chronograph I will not use again, having gone with the Garmin. For the princely sum of $10.00 American, or Canadian for that matter, should cover shipping, I will send via usps the chronograph. It works just fine, I would like to pass it on to someone who could use it. Catherine and I are heading for the Kentucky Derby so I may not get it shipped right away.
PM sent.
Looking to divest myself of extra equipment. I have a Magneto Speed Chronograph I will not use again, having gone with the Garmin. For the princely sum of $10.00 American, or Canadian for that matter, should cover shipping, I will send via usps the chronograph. It works just fine, I would like to pass it on to someone who could use it. Catherine and I are heading for the Kentucky Derby so I may not get it shipped right away.
It appears you might have a taker. If not, I'd love to have it.

Nice of you to help out our Nosler forum members.

I recently did a massive clean-up of my hunting gear. I no longer bow hunt so my Matthews bow, dozens of arrows, broadheads, arrow building gear and related stuff had to go. All my hunting, shooting and reloading equipment that I haven't used in a few years filled 2 large boxes.

I brought everything down to our club early in the morning before anyone was there. I set it all up behind the shooting benches with a note that said, "Please help yourself to anything that you can actually use and leave a little something for the next guy." Two weeks later there were 2 empty boxes sitting there with a few odds and ends still waiting for a new home. I was happy to see it all go to guys who will use the gear that I no longer needed.