Today's hike

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
I try to set Monday aside each week for a long day of skiing in the winter, hiking or bicycling the rest of the year. Here's a few photos from today's hike. Started at about 1,500', climbed to about 4,000' in two hours. Turned around when I was post-holing in 2' of old snow on a north facing slope. It was about 55 degrees here in town, and yet it snowed lightly on me up above 3,700' elevation. Good country.


Startled yearling:

Mama and fawns:

Could have zapped a coyote if I'd brought the .25-06 along, but noooooo, I had to bring the .44 revolver. Sheesh... Good hike, almost 10 miles, mostly on an old logging road that's currently closed to motor vehicle traffic. I like it that way. Have hiked, skied and used my mountain bike on this old road. It's fine with me that it's closed!

Regards, Guy
The deer are looking good. Man, we don't have any green on our mountains yet. In fact, they are still quite white.
Very nice to see pictures like that after being in my office all day, dealing with idiots. Thanks for the pics!
375hh1973":30mmet8e said:
Very nice to see pictures like that after being in my office all day


Great pictures Guy. Thanks for giving the rest of us a window!
Hegland":24nam0qg said:
375hh1973":24nam0qg said:
Very nice to see pictures like that after being in my office all day


Great pictures Guy. Thanks for giving the rest of us a window!

Nice day to be out. It is snowing her lightly as I look out the window and it's supposed to get to about 28 degrees here tonight in Missoula Montana. I want to go bear hunting, but they keep putting there noses back under their paws and saying NO-Way!

Looks like you had a great day! Thanks for sharing.

6mm Remington":2kioiiox said:
Hegland":2kioiiox said:
375hh1973":2kioiiox said:
Very nice to see pictures like that after being in my office all day


Great pictures Guy. Thanks for giving the rest of us a window!

Nice day to be out. It is snowing her lightly as I look out the window and it's supposed to get to about 28 degrees here tonight in Missoula Montana. I want to go bear hunting, but they keep putting there noses back under their paws and saying NO-Way!

I hear ya there. I thought Missoula was the "garden city"? Not seeming like it these last couple days. Took a drive up in the hills with my dog between Turah and Clinton and shot my new Model 7 a few times. Shot it just to see what it was like! Couldnt stand it anymore! I know one thing, I have a new favorite rifle. It was snowing on us pretty good when we got there but quit just as I started shootin. Stayed pretty nice until we loaded up to leave. Might get out after bears if I can find the time.
Great pictures Guy. Ten miles is a good hike! Glad to see the deer out and living for another year! Scotty

Those walks are really doing you good, 2500 feet elevation in two hours is moving at a "fast" walk. That will keep you in shape for the upcoming season. Nice pics !