Took the boys out


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
My friend Lloyd and I took my boy and his 2 boys out for deer. this weekend. We spent 2 days in Wheatland WY chasing them and saw over 100 deer. Problem was all but 2 were on private land! :evil: How do they always know?????

Brian did score a hit on his first deer ever. 50 yards with a Savage 25-06 with my loads. One shot instant kill.

Anyway we still have 2 more weekend to get the boys some more deer.

Thats great! Congratulations to the boys. I hope they are able to all fill their tags.

I usually don't say things like this but look at the barrel of that rifle. :shock:

Just razzin you.

Love hunting with the younguns!!!!
It is a load I came up in 1993 while stationed in Germany Jim.

Fed 215 cap
55-56 gr of IMR 7828--pending on rifle
and Hornady 117 BT one of the toughest 25 caliber bullets ever ! No kidding!
Velocity is 3200 fps more or less. Do not try that load with another bullet BTW~~~~~~~~ only the hornady.

Lloyd's 25-06 Savage 112 shoots that load 1/3" at 200 yards~ :!:
Good job for the boys. Two more weekends and four more tags? Should be some great time afield.
Brian (left) is using the 25-06. His Brother Brandon is using a 243 and My boy Stephan is using the 270 130 BTs
Congrats to your boys. That is a pair of hunters that animals should be scared of! Scotty