Toughest Game?

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Have been following the thread about "enough gun" for elk with some interest.

For most of us here in the lower 48, are elk about the biggest toughest animal we're likely to hunt? It sure is for me!

They're big, strong, and numerous. Seem to actually be getting more widespread because of some of the herds now in the eastern U.S. A hunter doesn't have to have a guide, many good elk are taken on public land every year.

I have to admit that elk and bear are the reasons I own a couple of rifles larger and more powerful than the good old .30-06, but I doubt that I actually "need" them. I've only taken one big bull elk, and have never shot a bear, but for some reason I like having an "elk rifle." I like loading for it, practicing with it and carrying it afield. My "elk rifles" are my new .300 WSM, and my .45-70 Marlin. I might not even own them if I was only hunting mule deer.

What's the toughest game you're likely to hunt?
There are a lot of factors involved such as if the animal is relaxed or has the adrenaline running. I think Elk are the toughtest, they can take a lot of lead and keep going in some very rough terrian. Moose can be too if you do not stop them from getting into the water!

Did someone say Elk?
These creatures can cover so much ground in a short amount of time after being hit. ( Even hit well ) I ride both sides of the fence and have primairly done most of my Elk hunting during archery season. It's amazing what an arrow can do to these monster elk. I've taken shots at less than six yards and had them fall within twenty five yards. Also taken shots that close and seen them run over 200 yards.
The larger bull was my first taken in 1988 and only went about 25 yards....not much of a blood trail. The second ( too small to be a spike I think, but there are nubs there ) Was shot at about six yards and I about didn't find him....aprox 200 yards before he went down on a dead run.
They are truely an amazing animal.
Good elk hunt pix!

That early season elk hunting - in the rut - is amazing... It's not much like "normal" deer hunting. Those big bulls have thrown away most of their common sense and are eager for a fight.

Elk are the toughest game I'm likely to face, for sure. Am not about to go looking for a fight with a grizzly or something... :grin: A big black bear rug on the wall would be pretty cool though. JD338 hass shot a few of those rascals!

Regards, Guy
Thanks guys,

That was my first year hunting archery 17yrs old. I shot 6 arrows over the top of another bull the night before. 30 yards away...pathetic I know.
I called the bull in the pic in from the ridge across from where I was....He had about 10 cows with him that he rounded up and took off down the ridge line with. I thought it was all over.... the bull stopped and came all the way back up to where we meet 10yrds away.

I'd love to have a black rug on my wall......One of these days I suppose.

Very cool! Congratulations on taking elk with a bow!
Great pictures, thanks for sharing.

Elk would be my top choice. A big wild boar hog with 3" of armor on it's shoulder will stop many a bullet and a big hog can run a ways without showing a hit but it will go down. An elk with a full head of adrenelin can cover a black timber mile with a killing shot that didn't take the heart or break bones. They aren't that hard to kill with almost any normally used elk caliber but getting em to show the hit and go down where they are instead of the bottom of some deep, steep canyon you have to carry them out of can be a big problem.
Good Hunting

Elkhunt :grin: