Turkey Loads


Sep 17, 2013
For the past few years I had been hunting with Winchester Supreme turkey loads with 1-3/4 oz of #6 shot. However I was not happy with the results on longer ranges. So I compared them to two other loads - Winchester Supreme with #4 shot and Winchester Long Beard XR with #4 shot. Boy, was I ever amazed at the results.

All of the following targets were shot with a Remington 11-87 Special Purpose shotgun with a Remington Super Full choke tube.

The distance from my face to the target was 50 yards measured with a range finder. I estimate the distance from the muzzle to the target was 49 yards.

First photo is of the Winchester Supreme with 1-3/4 oz of #6 shot


Second photo is of the Winchester Supreme with 1-3/4 oz of #4 shot. Since there are fewer #4 pellets than #6 pellets in the cartridge, I was surprised to see more pellets hit the target.


The third photo is of the Winchester Long Beard XR with 1-3/4 oz of #4 shot. Amazing! I have switched to this cartridge for my open field hunting.

Well, your results are rather compelling. I believe I would switch to the Longbeard XR shot. (y)
I played with the Longbeards 3.5" in 6 shot and at 40 the pattern was nice but at 20 yards it was TIGHT. I have been using Hevi-13 for the past 4-5 years and feel confident from 15-50 yards with combo. My personal favorite is Hevi-13 #7 shot in 3 or 3.5" shells.

Your combo with LB #4 is ready to hunt.

I have been using the Winchester Long Beard LR loads since last year.
12 ga 3" #5 is devastating on big toms.

That long beard xr looks great! I have had tremendous luck with Magnum blend by Hevi shot. Its a mixture of 5,6,& 7 shot. My furthest kill is 83 yards. He was a last day bird. Good luck!