Two bulls down!

I really do love hunting this type of country. Lots of glassing. I have seen one big bull (340) in this area in the last ten years, and I missed him eight times @ 500 yards ( I was 15). I keep thinking some day I'll get a chance to redeam myself at another big bull. Other than that, bulls like these two are the norm. Seems like we draw it every third year as our second choice, so we get to keep building points. It's better than a spike tag because I can shoot any elk if I need to. Next year I think I'm going to put my wife in for this tag as her second choice, and I'm going to do a late cow muzzle loader hunt as my second choice. Just to change it up a bit :wink:
Congratulations on the great Oregon bulls. Looks like you guys were hunting some great country as well.