Unlucky saturday!!


Nov 17, 2005
For this coyote! Went out to jmads this morning to do a little calling and shooting at 1K. Wind was blowing 15-20 MPH so calling and shooting was kinda worthless...Made 2 sets and didn't see anything. 1st set we could hear some in the next canyon, but it wasn't on the jmads property. At least 3-4 of them going off. Sat there for 1/2 hour to see if they'd come our way and nothing. On the way to the 1K range, I saw a little dog out about 100 yards. Grabbed the 243 loaded with some 55g Blitz Kings at 3800fps that Powerstroke ever so kindly sent me a bit ago. I promised I would put the pics up of the dogs I took with the bullets he sent me, so here is the first one with the 55g BK. Dog was running, led him a couple feet and touched off. He rolled at the shot with all 4's up in the air. Hit him right in the neck/shoulder, left a baseball size entry hole and did not exit.

Chalk another one up for the stevens 243!

Great job, and all the sweeter when the shot required some applied technique. Congratulations. He looks to be in good shape, still.
Good deal man. Leave one or two for me will yah?

What scope is on it BTW?
Leupolds all I put on my centerfire rifles...Its a Leupold vari x 2, 4-12x40 AO w/fine duplex.

Its going to be sent off to leupold here real soon to get some target knobs. Then I'm going to try some 105 AMAX's in her for them dogs that sit out there 500-800 yards away and think there safe...Right now its basically a calling/truck rifle, and without knobs or dots, its only good out to 400 or so. I hate doing kentucky elevation after 10 years of spinning knobs...It just dont cut it, after about 400 yards, its luck if you hit anything, coyote size critters anyways.

I have the same scope and reticle, sent mine into LEupold 10 years ago and had the target knobs added. The scope sits on a Remington 541HB 22 rim fire.

The 105 gr AMAX should get the job done way out there! What is the BC of that bullet?

Wow, .500 BC is impressive.

Powerstroke, I agree with you about seeing all the green grass. Its snowing here today, everything is white.

Well I hate to rub it in but it was a bright sunny day today. Lower 60s! great day for shooting.