USMC89's new shooting machine

257 Ackley

Nov 25, 2008
Jeff sent me these pictures after he picked up the 22X47 barrel today. I will let him give you the low-down on everything.






That is a sweet looking rig! And with those velocities should shoot like a laser! Who did the spiral fluting on it?
I know the 3318 reading was with an 80 grain bullet...that is cooking :!: Take a look at what a 22-250 does (similar case capacity) and it will give you an idea how efficient this cartridge is. I doubt you will find a 22-250 that has a fast enough twist to stabalize an 80 grain bullet unless it is custom build.

Jeff ruined my day by sending me these pictures :twisted:. I'm working and he sends me pictures of his groups and velocities from a 100 yard range set up off his deck to test loads from...that is not right.
Thanks for posting those Joel, I did the run ten rounds through it right off the bat and got it nice and warm, mildly cleaned it again and ran five more with.a half grain increment and another five with a half grain increment and mildly cleaned it again. The last group is the one pictured, five shots what appear to be under a half inch " to dry to be shooting on paper into a grass backstop". Velocity is good and not a hint of pressure seen with 37.5 grains of h4350 and a 80 grain max pushed .015 into the lands, standard deviation is ten with the new brass and case is about 95 percent full. I know I could probably get 3400 out of it pretty easily but am happy with the way it is behaving right there. should be able to get some distance out of it soon on account its going to rain soon.
Tim kampfeld customs did the fluting on it 150 bucks and shipping it one way gets it done. turnaround is usually within 7 days and both of my smiths said they have never seen finer work. I had them do the 300 Norma barrel as well and they will also be doing the bolt.
Your right joell it is handy walking 10 yards from the reloading bench and laying down on the deck to see your results . and then if I get real ambitious I and drive a quarter mile to the big range.
Jeff that is awesome buddy. I really dig the idea of a fast 22 with heavy bullets. That seems like it would be fun for everyone.
Rommel. that is a McMillan A3 sporter, they also make a game scout which is similar but it uses a more rounded forearm. Its a good all position stock, but works exceptionally well while sitting and shooting off a bipod . it has the same grip as the rest of the A series stocks, which is handy.
Scott, looking forward to shooting some distance with it. the 80 grain amax. is right at .462 bc similar. to a 168 grain 30 cal max commonly used in the 308 win but this is going 500 fps faster. should be pretty consistent even past the 1k mark.
Ok I just ran the numbers through jbm ballistics for both the 80 grain amax. and the 80 grain jlk @ 3320 fps
Jlk 80 grain
250 -1.5 Moa, -.4 mil. windage 1.2 moa .4 mil
500 -6.2 moa -1.8 mil windage 2.6 moa .7 mil
750 -12.4 moa -3.8 mil windage 4.2 moa 1.2 mil
1000 -20.2 moa -6.0 mil windage -6.0moa -1.8 mil

80 grain max
100 -0
250 -1.5 Moa -.4 mil windage -1.3moa -.4 mil
500 -6.3 moa -1.8 mil windage -2.7 moa -.8 mil
750 -12.7 moa -3.7 mil windage -4.5 moa -1.3 mil
1000 -21.1 moa -6.1 mil windage -6.6moa -1.9 mil
as you can tell I can't copy and paste on my phone but pretty flat none the less.
usmc 89":3gjar5ss said:
Rommel. that is a McMillan A3 sporter, they also make a game scout which is similar but it uses a more rounded forearm. Its a good all position stock, but works exceptionally well while sitting and shooting off a bipod . it has the same grip as the rest of the A series stocks, which is handy.

I haven't decided if I like the A3 Sporter as much as the regular A3... probably help if I bought a barreled action to drop into the A3, though...
usmc 89":oe7iewnj said:
Ok I just ran the numbers through jbm ballistics for both the 80 grain amax. and the 80 grain jlk @ 3320 fps
Jlk 80 grain
250 -1.5 Moa, -.4 mil. windage 1.2 moa .4 mil
500 -6.2 moa -1.8 mil windage 2.6 moa .7 mil
750 -12.4 moa -3.8 mil windage 4.2 moa 1.2 mil
1000 -20.2 moa -6.0 mil windage -6.0moa -1.8 mil

80 grain max
100 -0
250 -1.5 Moa -.4 mil windage -1.3moa -.4 mil
500 -6.3 moa -1.8 mil windage -2.7 moa -.8 mil
750 -12.7 moa -3.7 mil windage -4.5 moa -1.3 mil
1000 -21.1 moa -6.1 mil windage -6.6moa -1.9 mil
as you can tell I can't copy and paste on my phone but pretty flat none the less.

I envision a coyote having nightmares about this rifle right now.... :twisted:
BK , as far as shooting prone I don't like it as well as the A3, but for as intended from sitting. or offhand I like it better. the sporter has a higher comb and doesn't set into your check weld as well as the full tacticals do while prone.

That rig is awesome. I really like the fluting. Speed and accuracy are really impressive.
Should make for a great long range rifle and coyote thumper.

That looks like a bad azz tool buddy. Congrats to you.