Value of ruger 30-06?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Posting this for a friend. He has a very good condition Model 77 Mark I with the tang safety wood blue in 30-06. It has not been fired a lot and was bought new in the 1980's.

The rifle is problematic as it misfires once in a while so that will have to be dealt with.

What would be a good and a fair offer to make?
If the appearance is still good and it shoot good (when it does) I say give him 300 and end up with a very good rifle. I had on just like it that I bought in the 1983 and it was a very good shooter and I kept it for 10years till I got to wanting a bunch of other rifles. Now I as many can say, "wish I had not sold it."
Thanks....I was figuring on 300 also.