Vortex Viper PST

I have been kind of curious about this scope line as well, DrMike. Give us a review when you have time and more data for this scope.
Looks like a decent choice if'n you are going to scope an M94... good power range.
It looks bulky, but it actually handles fairly well. I'll post a picture shortly.
A 30mm tubed scope is going to look a little over whelming on a sleek little Model 94 action and seem like over kill. However, the important point of all this is the scope's performance with this rifle.
DrMike":1d5mpnls said:
It looks bulky, but it actually handles fairly well. I'll post a picture shortly.

Wellllllll, waiting! (Impatiently tapping toe)


C'mon, Mike we need our morning fix of gun porn!
Won't happen today. I'm on my way out the door momentarily. It is the last day of moose here. Tomorrow is the first day of mule deer. As we near first light, I disappear.
We put a Diamondback 3x12 on my brother's 7mag. Good glass for the money but still not a luepy. The Viper being the next up in class should be a nice scope. I've heard good things about their customer service.

I have two Diamondbacks and they are ok on one and cheap on the other. The 2-7x35 Rimfire is cheaply made and has coma. The 6x40 Diamondback is clear and without coma. It is a fairly nice scope. The Rimfire has a backwards black printed clear sticker on the underside which said China on it but was invisible until removed. The really bad coma in the rimfire scope field goes away by about 5X and is then not quite so disturbing.

I have heard a mixture of comments on the Viper scopes (good and bad) and am curious because based on the Diamondbacks that I have seen, I would not buy one.
I sent an email to them a while back asking about "country of origin". Here's their reply:

Thank you for your time and interest in Vortex. It depends on which scope you are looking at for where they are made. The Diamondback and Viper lines have Japanese glass, Japanese components, and are assembled in the Philippines. The Razor is entirely made in Japan, and the Crossfire line is made in China. All design, engineering, spec work, and service work is done right here in Middleton, WI.
DrMike":2gkfnvnl said:
It looks bulky, but it actually handles fairly well. I'll post a picture shortly.

So Mike, have you had a chance to play with it yet?
It'll be a couple of weeks before I get out. Hey, it's cold right now (-28 C this morning).
I am in no hurry either DrMike but am curious also about the PST Vortex scopes. I thinl a lot of people are curious and are waiting before spending their money to find out how good they are. No pressure, DrMike. :mrgreen:
DrMike":37yu88h2 said:
It'll be a couple of weeks before I get out. Hey, it's cold right now (-28 C this morning).

Wuss. (As I had to wear a jacket to the store when it was 62 degrees outside. :oops: )
DrMike":2fv3ny5r said:
It'll be a couple of weeks before I get out. Hey, it's cold right now (-28 C this morning).

Is that cold? Sounds like T-shirt weather for you Extreme Northerners! Scotty
Scotty last night here it went down to -26 with about a 50mph wind.
I just spoke to my cousin's wife as they are coming back from northern Saskatchewan around Hudson Bay and yesterday when Dan went out (Moose photo guy) it was minus 33 with a strong wind.
They are talking plus 6 this coming Wednesday which would be about 40 F unbelievable extremes :roll:

Sounds like T-shirt weather for you Extreme Northerners!

Nah! I'm a wuss. Though I didn't bother to put on a coat to go to church this evening. It is only a mile from home, and I figured I could stand -21 for the time it would take to get there.

I finally got the scope mounted. Here are a few pictures of what it looks like on the Model 94.


Here are a couple of closer shots to give some idea of what the scope looks like. Mine has the MRAD reticle.



I had the barrel and action of the rifle Teflon coated. Other than that, it is stock. I have a few loads ready to test. However, it will be at least another week before I am able to make it to the range.