Wally! ;)

Love the beavers. Great catch, Guy. They are delightful creatures. Used to have two at the slough beside our local gun club. Some jerk shot them, precipitating a thorough investigation by the COs. However, they never caught the culprit(s).
You always take such good photos Guy!!
Thanks. Believe me, there are a LOT of photos that get culled instead of showing them. For instance with this beaver - it was still pretty dark in the morning when dog and I came across him. I started taking photos in the low light, even though I knew that it might be too dark for good results.

As the morning brightened, but still before sunrise, I started messing with different exposure times. Turns out I took a couple of decent photos of ol' Wally and at least a dozen that have been deleted from the camera's SD card and from my computer.

About the time the sun started peeking over the horizon, ol' Wally decided it was time to slip back into the river and swim away. There's a beaver den in the river bank a couple of hundred yards away and he swam in that direction. I see Wally and his family fairly often, but seldom out of the water.

BTW, I just call them all "Wally" - I can't tell one from another. Here's a couple of other photos from the same area earlier this summer:

So the three photos on this thread are the best of probably 40 or more beaver photos I've taken this summer. Digital is so doggone good to work with compared to dealing with 35mm film as I did long ago!

Regards, Guy
That’s the way it goes with photography. You will shoot 100 shots and maybe 5-10 of them turn out awesome. I learned that in highschool shooting for the yearbook. It makes one pay greater attention to detail.

Of course digital makes it much easier than the old 35mm B/W film!
Thanks. Believe me, there are a LOT of photos that get culled instead of showing them. For instance with this beaver - it was still pretty dark in the morning when dog and I came across him. I started taking photos in the low light, even though I knew that it might be too dark for good results.

As the morning brightened, but still before sunrise, I started messing with different exposure times. Turns out I took a couple of decent photos of ol' Wally and at least a dozen that have been deleted from the camera's SD card and from my computer.

About the time the sun started peeking over the horizon, ol' Wally decided it was time to slip back into the river and swim away. There's a beaver den in the river bank a couple of hundred yards away and he swam in that direction. I see Wally and his family fairly often, but seldom out of the water.

BTW, I just call them all "Wally" - I can't tell one from another. Here's a couple of other photos from the same area earlier this summer:

So the three photos on this thread are the best of probably 40 or more beaver photos I've taken this summer. Digital is so doggone good to work with compared to dealing with 35mm film as I did long ago!

Regards, Guy
Thank goodness for digital. You'd have spent a fortune on film. 🤣

Ol' Wally doesn't usually haul himself up onto the bank and pose for me, but he did this morning while I was walking Maverick along the Columbia River:

Regards, Guy
Wonder what Maverick though about your other furry friend?:oops:

Do you have pics of him?
Wonder what Maverick though about your other furry friend?:oops:

Do you have pics of him?
Of Maverick? Yes. He's a rescue dog, his first family gave up on him. When I met him he was wearing a muzzle to keep him from biting anyone. He hated adult men. All he needed was someone with patience. We became good buddies quickly. :) There have been a few rough moments and he's still an over-energized pain in the neck... We walk almost every morning, 3.5 - 10 miles. "Walk" at a rather brisk pace. :)

But it works pretty well with the camera. He understands when he needs to be still for me to take a photo.

He's a German Wirehaired Pointer and loves to hunt birds! When he saw that I was intent on photographing eagles, he started pointing them... Good grief. But we go out together and collect pheasant, quail, chukar, and grouse.

Ya, pointing the eagles on or near their nest was hilarious... But why not? It's a big bird and Mav knows I like to stop and point the camera at them and click away. He gets pretty excited when I haul out the camera with the big telephoto lens. Or the shotgun... :)
Ya, pointing the eagles on or near their nest was hilarious... But why not? It's a big bird and Mav knows I like to stop and point the camera at them and click away. He gets pretty excited when I haul out the camera with the big telephoto lens. Or the shotgun... :)
That pretty much sums it up right there. 😎
