Want to plan a hunt out west...


Nov 1, 2012
I have been toying with the idea of a deer or turkey hunt for some time now, somewhere outwest or even back north; Texas or the Rockies would be the ultimate goal. Do you guys have any solid outfitters or places to look into? I can either plan a do-it-yourself hunt or get in with an outfitter and take a real nice deer, turkey, or a combo of both.
A good fellow to speak with is Dale Denney, Bearpaw Outfitters.

He lives and hunts in superb whitetail & turkey country, in northeast Washington. He also guides in several other western states. The fact that he's a great guy and that his wife Tara cooks very well only helps.

Link: http://www.bearpawoutfitters.com/

Washington has over-the-counter deer, elk & bear tags too by the way. No draw necessary. And yes, there are bear & elk in his deer territory here in Washington.

Give him a call...

Regards, Guy
If you want to hunt coues deer I know a guy that would be able to help you.
It is a draw hunt but tags are pretty easy to get if you're willing to hunt in what AZ Game and Fish calls, "The Red Zone." I've hunted there the last three years, 2 as DIY hunts, and have no issues. Give Don at Far West Adventures a call if you want to hunt coues deer. He also guides for elk and mule deer.

As you speak with outfitters, no question is off bounds. Ask for a past customers list, call those folks. Its your $, be satisfied with the answers you get.

I have done DIU for the type of hunt that you want, and it can be done in an area that you have never been in before. Possibly drawing the deer tag may be the toughest, although some tags, in some states,
are OTC. Many states offer "walk-in-hunting areas" on private land where turkeys and deer can be hunted. Notice I said "hunted". Call state biologists and ask questions.

There are many honestly operated guide/outfitter services out there ... do your homework and get busy early so you'll be ready!

The above mentioned services by Guy and Vince are well spoken of.

Keep us posted,
wayno945":1mlog2oi said:
Firearm, Archery, or both?

Both would be ideal. Would love to blood my Hoyt, and the 7mm08 needs another notch in its belt as well
.280 Remington":3oi17w94 said:
Trophy hunting or just options?

A trophy animal woukd be nice, but I am more about putting meat in the freezer. I always say you cant eat horns.
I think that is great AJ.. Figure out what you wanna hunt, check out Eastmans hunting journal, and figure out what your priorities are.. Then, set yourself up for an area with decent populations of the game you wanna hunt.

I can recommend an excellent Elk/Deer/Bear outfitter in Idaho. One of my best friends, but a very hard working guide. Tough terrain, and tough hunting, but if your willing, he will put you on animals.
Definitely watching this thread....I'm in about the same boat, although my interests are more for mulies/elk/antelope, in no particular order.
It is daunting at first, but the first step is researching and then rolling the dice and hunting the tar outta your selection. It is best to expect not to slay everything on your hit list, just to hunt new country, learning better ways to skin the cat.. Chances are, with a little research, you can get on some great hunting grounds if your open traveling some. It is alot of fun seeing new country and nothing better than getting on game in the open.. I like to hunt back East, but LOVE to hunt in the West..
Thanks again all. If I go out west, might as well go after a mulie or antelope, or if possible, an elk. I have whitetail covered on my land up in CT/the northeast.
aj, not that we're that close together, but if you need another person on a trip, give me a shout. We're in the same boat here, I think. I'm doing similar "research" and will be happy to share any intel I get.
As Scotty said, Eastmans and Hunting Fool both publish pretty extensive analysis of hunt opportunities and other valuable information. Combined with Google earth, contacts online and with game and fish, and you can develop a pretty good game plan. I am going through the same process as we speak, only I am changing units in Wyoming. So I have looked at both of the above sources, game and fish past statistics, and have settled on where I will submit my application. If I fail I will try to get back into my old unit, on the second chance draw. 'Always have a backup plan".
You can call these guys and get info without paying anything as I have done so myself and they gave me great info and I am just about sure they would be worth every dime you spent with them if you were wanting to do some hunting and they are well known for knowing who to use and who to not use !! Bank on it AJ :mrgreen:
Oregon has over the counter blacktail tags, Roosevelt elk, bear, cougar. A guy could set up a camp and hunt for 5 weeks. Not cheap though