Wanted! ! Your loads .

FWIW, I develope all my loads in CA (stationed at Vandenberg AFB) and have hauled my rifles to Idaho several time for elk hunts in late Oct. Even though I loaded me 338WM with RL-19 in CA temps, it didn't affect it, as far as I know, in Idaho. One cow elk in the freezer.

Find what shoots the best and use it. My 338 liked RL-19 more than it liked H4831SC.
Thanks RL-19 supporters.I looked over the Hodgdon Extreem tour,& the extreem velosity spread isn't as bad as I had heard from others.It shows that in a 30-06 between 0*-125* RL-19's exrtreem MV spread is about 94fps.However it also said that H4350 is only 4fps.It didn't have a direct comparison between H4831,& RL-19.I'll try the H4831 I allready have,& then some RL-19 when my gun shop gets some more in.They were out! :roll:
I was out at the range today and shot my 338WM-
I had worked up some loads with the 225gr Partition with 71.5 grains of IMR4350(Noslers listed max.) and accuracy was OK(very windy out) but my velocity was right at 2800fps. I was hoping for more like 2850 or so, I am going to have to RL19 and H4831 for sure!
I load my 338WM with 225ABs using 72.5gn of RL-19 with GM215M primers. A three shot velocity average was about 2744fps. This was accomplished at sea level. Now that I have a chrono on the way, I'm going to check velocities the next time I go to Idaho to hunt. I'm very curious as to how much altitude affects velocity.

340boy, if you develope a load using 225gn Noslers and RL-19, let me know what your powder charge is and it's velocity average. This may answer my curiousity early, being that I won't be back to ID until next fall, hopefully. Thanks
I'm also curious about the MV changes @ elevation,& temp.I'm sure that the temp will affect it the most,but I'm going to do some testing as soon as I can set up my chrony with out the wind blowing it over. :evil: It's been blowing 25+ for over a week now,& raining to boot.