Washington State Senate bill 5737

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
They're at it again, Senate Bill 5737 would make many currently legal firearms, illegal. Worse, it authorizes law enforcement officers to disregard the 4th amendment, and enter homes of law abiding citizens annually to inspect their weapons and make sure they're safely and securely stored.


I'm offended that three senators have decided that I can't be trusted with legal firearms, and offended that they so casually toss the constitutional rights of the people aside.

I've already written my state senator and representatives. It's worth the few minutes required to do so. For a decidedly liberal state, we've got some GREAT gun laws, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Regards, Guy
Look for more of the same from the blue states as they show how much they care for the children. It is ALL for the children.
It's a good thing they don't ever allow their efforts to be measured in terms of outcomes, and only on the emotional basis behind their acts...or they'd have to ban themselves from ever speaking or holding public office again (or voting), "...for the children...."
I just read the proposed bill, if this passes, in additon to what Guy has pointed out, thumb-hole stocks and muzzle breaks will also classify a firearm as an "assault" weapon. Guess I should put on hold my plans on a brake on my 375 RUM and a thumbhole stock for my 257 BEE.

This idiocy needs to be stopped. "For the children" is a sham! DEM's and LIB's are trying to undermine the 2nd/4th/10th Amendments.

I guess my 2nd Amendment rights may be exercised before long...
I wrote several Washington State Senators about this bill on Friday. I wil keep writing as long as these knuckleheads keep inventing this crap!
I e-mail my elected officicials on a regular basis about all kinds of issues. Don,t forget the top dogs in DC. John Boehner, Mitch McConnel, including my favorite liberals Dingy Hairy from Nevada and Patty Murray from Wash. state. They all need to hear from us. The jobs went away when congress passed NAFTA. The housing market collapsed when Bush caved and let the democcrats force banks to give morgage loans to people who could not afford a loan. Obama is or will destroy the best health care system the world has ever known. People must get involved and speak out or they will pass gun control.
..."For the children", "If it saves just one life"...

...well, OK, since you mentioned it, depending on what source you happen to use, firearms are used to deter between 2.5M (Lott) or 108K (Brady Bunch, yeah, "that" Brady Bunch) crimes per yr., so an "Armed Citizen" is much more likely to prevent a crime than to commit a crime, or save a life than take a life...

...if they really wanted less crime, safer streets, "Mandatory Gun Laws" would start out w/ Gun Safety & Firearms Familiarization, instead of confiscation...
That is true Gene and they know that. That is not what this is about. This is about Barack the lazy and incompetent selling his roadshow to the American public with no proof, no evidence, no anything but his say so that it is good for us. This is because when we no longer have guns, he will be crucifying selected ones of us on the front of the White House lawn just like Morsi of Eygpt does, just for his select entertainment. He just wants to make his bones on something stupid to prove that he can do it!

We have to resist this evil little faggot and his travelling road show with every bone in our body. If every state just would laugh at his threats to take their funds and send him packing down the rod to the next state with tin cans tied to Air Force One, this would end!

The only way to deter a twisted little coward is to make fun of him and laugh at every twisted efort that he makes! Pretty soon he withdrawl and will play golf with Don Juan the Golfer every day and leave us alone!
Language good sir! :grin:

My goodness. Although I do agree with the sentiment.

Sorry guy but that is a perfectly acceptable word which has been given connotations beyond its common usage. I am trying to make a point about a personality deviance which is causing all of us problems. If you have a better word like "gay", I will use it but gay does not have nearly the emotional power and drive of what he is doing and is not the word that I want to connotate his behavior, plus what I am trying to say! Faggot is not a swear word anywhere except in our politically charged, correct modern world of stilted language.

I am not trying to offend anyone, just get the point across of this man's twisted perception of himself as the savior and us as his followers almost like the Bible's New Testament in his own mind. He sees himself as the second coming of our savior and he is mistaken! Read his speeches about himself and Jesus, they are very revealing. Especially his take on Jesus, Barack Obama and the Sermon On the Mount. Goggle it! To me this is the most offensive thing that he could ever do, is to compare himself to Christ our Lord and Savior. This offends me very deeply.

When he has the temerity to do this, the gloves come off. This is now no longer a polite conversation between balanced adults about political perspective. It is a threat to the very core of Christianity and everything that we Christians believe to be true and sacred. He is the Devil Incarnate and will strip us of all of the veneer of our society including our most precious beliefs if we allow him to continue to teach perversion in schools to our children as though it is normal sexual development. His agenda has to be stopped in its tracks and stopped now!
Here is a speech by a man who was a major in WWII. He won the Silver Star, Purple Heart and many other medals for his service. He says what I am thinking much more eloquently then I can, so here it is and it is a good read!

Truth and accountability.

These are more than words to us. They are our guiding principles.

Honesty and ownership of our actions, following through on our promises should define us. Without them, we are nothing.

We have; however, tolerated latitude when it comes to presidential administrations.

As long as I can remember we’ve noted presidents and their administrations twisting the truth. We’ve given them some leeway because they are in the business of talking.

Administrations make promises and respond to events. They sometimes say things that don’t hold up to scrutiny. But when it didn’t pass the “smell test” the American people held them accountable.

The first President Bush paid the price for “Read my lips, no new taxes.” We will forever remember the infamous, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

But there is a big difference today. It started with the election of Barack Obama.

Since Obama became president we’ve modified our truth and accountability principles. In fact, we’ve eliminated them. We no longer expect honesty. We don’t hold the Obama administration to the same principles as previous administrations.

A lack of truthfulness and little accountability are harsh accusations to make against a president. But it fits this administration. And its the primary reason our country continues to spiral into decay.

Little leg work is required to develop a list of lies told by President Obama. And it would need to be open-ended because they continue. But here are two prime examples.

The full story of the Obama administration’s failed program “Fast and Furious” is shocking and outrageous. The Obama administration gave thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels without a means to track them. The guns were used to murder hundreds of Mexican citizens. Weapons were found at the scene where a US border patrol agent was murdered by drug runners.

But rather than answer questions about Fast and Furious, President Obama ducked accountability by trying to blame a previous administration. He said, “I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration.”

Even if true, why is it important? The Mexican citizens and our border patrol agent were killed in firefights with weapons given to criminals by the Obama administration.

But it’s also a lie.

The Fast and Furious program started nine months after President Obama assumed office. It’s an easy research item. There is no misunderstanding. President Obama lied.

And there is no need to rehash the lies told by President Obama and Hillary Clinton in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on our embassy in Benghazi. From the perpetrators of the attack, to its timelines, to the administration’s response; it’s filled with lies.

What makes these two examples exceptionally egregious is that the lies from the Obama administration are tied to the deaths of Americans. What is nauseating is that the American people accepted the lies when they didn’t pass the “smell test.”

And there is more.

President Obama said he would cut the debt in half during his first administration. He lied. In four years President Obama is responsible for accumulating more debt than all presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined.

President Obama said his policies would invigorate the economy. He lied. The economy remains stagnate. It contracted in the last quarter of 2012.

President Obama said he would reduce unemployment to below 6% in his first term. He lied. Unemployment is currently at 7.9%.

President Obama said government health care wouldn’t cost us an additional dime. He lied. Costs are rising now and government run health care doesn’t begin until next year.

President Obama said government run health care wouldn’t result in the loss of coverage. He lied. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that 7 to 8 million Americans will be dropped from plans as employers try to compensate for the enormous cost of ObamaCare.

Yet we allow President Obama to lie. We don’t hold him accountable. And because we don’t expect truth or accountability, the lies and failures accelerate.

Instead we rewarded President Obama’s untruthfulness and lack of responsibility with four more years.

We hold our children to higher standards than the person most responsible for making policy that will impact today, tomorrow and future generations!

Racism is sometimes the response to the facts that show lies and failure. Others are blamed who had nothing to do with creating current conditions. It’s our attempt to justify our acceptance of President Obama’s lies and lack of accountability. These are not convincing (or valid) responses. But we try nonetheless.

I have my theory why we are willing to destroy our country through acceptance of the Obama administration’s lies and lack of accountability. We’ve sold our souls to government.

We want government caring for us cradle to grave. We don’t care who government takes from as long as it gives to us. We will allow a president to lie just as long his government tosses us an occasional bone taken from someone else.

I hope I am wrong. I want to be wrong.

I hope my assessment of my fellow citizens is completely off target. Because if I am right, then no eloquent speech espousing the virtues of conservatism by a person like Marco Rubio will matter. Rubio might make some people leap to their feet in cheer, but a majority of our fellow citizens will look at him with suspicion.

Why seek opportunity to excel? Why build something through hard work when government will take from someone else to give to you? No heavy lifting is required. Just acceptance of a government that will lie and is not held accountable.

Sound a bit melodramatic? Can’t happen here. Not in the United States of America.

But look at the lies and the lack of accountability. Look at the dour economic data. Look at how government is crashing down on society and infringing on our Constitutional rights. Are we that much different from the European socialist countries collapsing before our eyes?

There was a time I would have expected the American people to vote out an administration built on lies and a lack of accountability. But no longer.

The massive problems we face as a nation aren’t the result of a president or his administration. It is the fault of the American people who accept lies and a lack of accountability as a matter of routine.

It’s not really complicated. We the people are the problem. Conditions won’t change until we decide to again hold our government to the principles of truth and accountability.

But my fear is we are comfortable with government’s lies and lack of accountability in this country we’ve become.
FOTIS":91t7wm0o said:
Lord help us!

No doubt.

I don't know why they haven't figured out, what is going on the recent years is a social problem.
Guns were never locked up when I was growing up, but we were taught early on, not to touch until we were told we could, when old enough. And to respect them (both the guns and parents that is), which we did back then.

The social part is today, that anybody that uses a gun illegally, has no respect for anything, laws, or anybody. They are dehumanized, mindless, evil bodies, created by society in the most part with over use of Psychoactive drugs. Just my opinion.
That and the promotion of single parenting don't help either.
Me thinks a second War of Northern Aggression is on the horizon.
For yankees the interpretation of that is, a second civil war. I too have sworn to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Me thinks a law like this would be a violation of what I swore to defend. I just hope it doesn't come to this as I do believe any law enforcement officer doing so as this proposed law is written should be met with lethal force.
I take no pleasure in typing such a statement and pray the day never comes where I am forced to defend from domestic enemies that which I swore to support and defend. Some food for thought, everything Hitler did in Germany was legal under German law. That didn't make it right. If this bill passes it will be "legal" but that too doesn't make it right.
Guy Miner":gdqpktoo said:
They're at it again, Senate Bill 5737 would make many currently legal firearms, illegal. Worse, it authorizes law enforcement officers to disregard the 4th amendment, and enter homes of law abiding citizens annually to inspect their weapons and make sure they're safely and securely stored.


I'm offended that three senators have decided that I can't be trusted with legal firearms, and offended that they so casually toss the constitutional rights of the people aside.

I've already written my state senator and representatives. It's worth the few minutes required to do so. For a decidedly liberal state, we've got some GREAT gun laws, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Regards, Guy

Just got e-mail from my state senator. He is against 5737. He is a demo too. One of my house reps is also against it. Still waiting to hear from my second house rep. Early signs are they may not have the votes.
Just got an e-mail from my democrat state senator. He is against 5737 and will not vote for it. One of my state reps is also against it. She is a gun toting female republican. Still waiting for an answer from my third rep. Hopefully Guy they do not have the votes. The republicans won more seats in the last election. I don,t think the demo,s have the votes.
I still wonder if they are possibilly just rattling the sabre's for now,,,(to a point), to see how much the opposition is, both State and Federal level. Although, if our Legislators don't stand up and fight, they will take any freebies or compromise. However, if they somehow regain full power in the midterms, possibily even if they don't (with EO), watch out, then they will do as they please. They will do the same as what they did with obama-care. Ramming through extensive gun control if not full out confiscation of what they want. All semi auto's for sure, if not more. BO, HR, and NP will threaten behind closed doors, of what center left is in opposition.
Something of that nature is in the plan, as from what we been seeing, they are planning for a Revolt of some kind.
Now is the time to fitfully slam the door on Obama and his sneaky state revenue sharing cutting game. The courts need to tell him that is unconstitutional and the states need to be forthright and honest with their citizens. President OBama certainly will never be honest and will never take responsibility. We need to cut the head off the snake Obama now!