Water Jug Test

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Probably not what your expecting to read but I thought you might get a laugh out of this one or maybe find it useful.

I have several spring air pellet rifles with one IN particular that has a slightly oversize chamber which allows the pellets to fall out when closing the chamber.
Since I powder coat pistol bullets I got the bright idea to coat some pellets for this rifle.
The pellets were washed in acetone to remove any factory lubricant and dried before coating once coated they were baked just like the pistol bullets. After coating I let them season over night to let the coating harden.
Today I filled 2 milk jugs with water and set them up at 30yds thinking that should be the right distance for the jugs to catch the pellets.
I thought I would only need one jug since this rifle had been detuned to shoot softer and only produced 750fps with a 8.64gr pellet.
Boy was I wrong and also glad that I had set up the second jug just incase it would be needed and yes it was.
They both retained about 99% of the powder coat and one had a slightly deformed skirt.
2 pellets shot into the Jugs and both went though the first jug and into the second jug where I found them.
I wouldn't have thought it would take 2 jugs to hold a pellet from this rifle since I had detuned it to shoot softer.


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Run them over the chrono and see if the powder coating changed the fps.
Also thanks, that is an interesting result.
JD338":8ulqag1v said:
They have some power.

This rifle is a pip-squeak compared to my 3 other spring air rifles.
(.177,.22and .25 cal)
Tjay":8ulqag1v said:
Run them over the chrono and see if the powder coating changed the fps.
Also thanks, that is an interesting result.
I'll see if the weather will allow me too.
Squirrel Ammo!! Them tree rats are tough! those should work. Good idea- nice test. CL