Weatherby Predator on the Range


Aug 3, 2012
Finally got to the range with the Predator.

Optics is a Weaver Kaspa 4-16 X 44 w/Side Focus on a 20MOA base.

Ammunition is factory Remington 55 grain PSP with published MV of 3680 FPS.


Once scope zero'd.... Shot a 5 round group....

darn dime would not stay still......
Great shooting buddy! That rifle is one that doesn't disapoint right outta the gates! Great shooting!
For sure, that dog will hunt. Try taping the dime to the target next time.
Can't argue with that! Looks like the guy behind it knows what he is doing as well. Groups like that don't come from just a good rifle.

Nice work.
Gentlemen....thanks for your kind words....

Somedays you eat the bear...some days the bear eats you....

It was very tasty, thank you very much.... ;)