We got up to our spot on Thursday night to scout out the area. There was over 100 elk within 1/4 mile of where they were last year so I knew we would have a good chance again this year. I was hoping to have time to find the ranch manager and ask permission the day before but I had a doctors appointment on Thursday that prevented us from leaving early. Some kids had permission and they got into the elk early as they were leaving the hay field just after first light. We were up there at just after 5am and we saw the elk coming out of the field just before 6am. My dad and I split up when the elk started getting nervous after seeing the kids to cover the area better. We were each on a knob overlooking the elk separated by a draw with a deep cut in it. The group of bulls and a few cows saw the kids moving closer and couldn't stand it so they headed our way. One cow jumped the fence and the rest waited for a bit. I had the one cow dialed at 300yds (where my rifle is sighted in) but I was waiting for at least two cows to clear the fence sow we had enough to shoot at on the public land side. The rest of the elk got nervous and started running away from me, and closer to my dad, before jumping the fence. Once they jumped the fence they ran a ways before the stopped long enough for us to get some shooting in. 2 shots later and we had our two cows on the ground at 7:30am. I forgot to take pictures until I already was started cutting up the second elk. It was hot so I started boning them out as soon as I got to them and it took until 10am before we were loaded and headed to the truck. By noon it was over 80 degrees and we had elk on ice and headed home.
This is day two of cutting meat and we are almost done. Another year with a full freezer
This is day two of cutting meat and we are almost done. Another year with a full freezer