Well I finally filled my tag


Dec 2, 2007
Well last thursday I finally got to go out and start my first and last hunt of the season due to not getting a elk tag :cry: . But, I got my general deer tag. So after I asked the question about what rifle to use here a while ago I went with the 25-06 like suggested. and here is what I got. One shot right through the hearth and he ran for about 10 steps then crumpled up like a rock. The shot was about 100 yards. I tried to recover the bullet but it was just a pass through.


Nice buck! Congratulations.

Thank you to both of you. I just wish the picture quality was better but I only had my cell phone.
Congrats on a great muley buck looks like you will have meat in the freezer this winter.
Good to see a young fellow enjoying this great sport :)

That's a fine buck for sure. Congrats on the kill. You done good. I went buckless this year so I can appreciate good hunting like you just accomplished. Thanks for sharing the picture.
Good looking buck, congratulations! :grin:

Glad the .25-06 worked out well for you, it's a deer zapper!
Thank you all for the kind reply's. That 25-06 sure surprised me when I squeezed the trigger and the buck dropped within about 10 steps. Can't wait to do it again next year :twisted:
Bless your heart, that is great to hunt but to fill your tag is very cool indeed. WOW!!!! All this hunting and taking game is getting me excited!!!!!!! :lol: