Well Said!

I was reading an article on WND.com last night that regarding the burgeoning black-on-white racial violence in this country. The most interesting point in the article however, was that in over 100,000 reported incidents in the United States every year, people have to protect themselves from violent attacks using or brandishing a firearm! Certainly, not all of these gun uses result in any shootings. As in my case when I have used a gun, the brandishing of the gun was enough to end the threat with no shots fired. Regardless, that is a large number of actually reported self defense incidents annually!

Considering that in the latest statistics, 10% of the toal number of Federal Government employees in the US are LEO's or Police of some sort (i.e. Secret Service). Given the high number of law enforcement people employed by the federal government, are we any safer? Especially when considering that the major crime rate is down dramatically in the US, except in New York, Chicago, and Washington DC where private citizens can not easily own guns.
Well... we know from divine prophesy, religion will definitely be done away with, and it is soon to happen. :!:
I am waiting for the Book of Daniel prophesied appearance of the warrior Archangel Michael. That will twist all these unbliever, little boys pants.
Yeah, she definitely has her head screwed on tight. She seems to be a sharp gal, thinking outside the box.
She was a movie actress for many years and had a pretty long and successful career as such. She is quite striking looking and that is why I remember her from some of the westerns that she was in. I had not realized that she was a Conservative as most pretty Hollyweird faces are Liberals, not all but the majority. Anyhow, it is nice to have another Conservative voice that is smart and also easy to look at!
I always thought She was a very beautiful woman. Not only that but after reading the article she is also smart. Bllomberg must hate her guts. Well, I feel the same about Bloomberg. Just a very wealthy person who feels he should be controllong the entire world to his liking. Note to Bloomberg. STFU!
Paul B.