What is the best fastest cleaner you ever used?

Fastest for copper is Sweet's. Nasty stuff.

Carb-out for carbon is fastest.

I use the Boretech stuff if I'm in a hurry, and Wipe-Out when I'm not.
Wipe-Out foam (the way I use it...wouldn't consider it "fast")

I use Butch's too but it's nasty stuff. If I keep up on the maintenance, the Wipe-Out does a good job.
I have an Outers Foul out that will remove everything in the barrel but was banned by EPA because it worked soooooooo good. You can still make the chemicals to use with it but I forgot the formula. I do still have a bottle of lead and a bottle of cooper remover. Used it on my target pistols when I would get a batch of bad lead bullets that were tooo soft and leaded the barrel. :mrgreen:
Fotis, I've been using Hoppe's Elite gun cleaner first, followed by Hoppe's Elite copper terminator, then finish off with G96 complete gun treatment, seems to work very well for me, and no harsh smell to boot.

G'Day Fella's,

These days, the only bore cleaner I use, is Wipe Out-Patch Out.
Powder, Carbon and Copper fouling, all comes out quite quickly!
With heavy Copper fouling, you may need to use repeat treatments (x 2 or 3) but thats OK!!!
It's a great product!

Hope that helps

I've been using the Outers foaming cleaner for several years. It is pretty speedy and does a very good job. I can't handle the stink of other cleaners so this stuff is my favorite.
Wipe out. I just leave an open bottle of Hoppes #9 on the bench so I get that nostalgic aroma. I also use EEZOX for protection. Almost have my wife convinced its my new aftershave :) . It must have been love....she cant stand the lovely aroma of Hoppes #9. Maybe it smells like the "other woman", never thought of that..... :) CL

Not to high jack a thread....Sorry....couldn't resist... :)
GM top engine cleaner mixed 50/50 with Kroil .
The top engine cleaner was designed to remove carbon.
Problem is GM quit making TEC years ago and I'm nearly out.

Been experimenting with Butch's and Kroil mixed together.
Does a pretty good job.
For rifles the solvents I use the most are Hoppies #9, Butches Bore Shine, and Kroil oil. Never needed any thing faster and a little time soaking means less work for me.
I use Clenzoil, Ballistol, and Naptha (shooters choice shotgun cleaner) in my shot guns and plan to compare these in my rifles too.
I've been using RB17 and CR10 for several years. This combo works well and quickly. CR10 has noxious fumes. Using this combo you have to be careful about dry patching and oiling afterwards. Recently I bought a bottle of Boretech Eliminator. It really works well and no fumes. It also acts as a short term preservative thus eliminating a step. I ran some CR10 down the barrel after the Boretech and it didn't pick up any residual copper. Good stuff. I also keep a bottle of Hoppes #9 solvent as an air freshener!

I've been using Wipeout for many years with excellent results. I've also used the Outers foaming cleaner and it works really well too but the wipeout smells better.
I was using KG products for a little while, but then I tried gunslicks foaming cleaner and its getting stuff out that KG left behind.
HTDUCK":2zuzc2bh said:
GM top engine cleaner mixed 50/50 with Kroil .
The top engine cleaner was designed to remove carbon.
Problem is GM quit making TEC years ago and I'm nearly out.

Been experimenting with Butch's and Kroil mixed together.
Does a pretty good job.

A lot of benchrest shooters used this combo, but are running into the same problem you are. Some of us are starting to use Kroil and Seafoam 50/50. It has worked for me. I just took care of a nasty carbon ring in one of my competition rifles with this combo.
257 Ackley":9us76fuu said:
HTDUCK":9us76fuu said:
GM top engine cleaner mixed 50/50 with Kroil .
The top engine cleaner was designed to remove carbon.
Problem is GM quit making TEC years ago and I'm nearly out.

Been experimenting with Butch's and Kroil mixed together.
Does a pretty good job.

A lot of benchrest shooters used this combo, but are running into the same problem you are. Some of us are starting to use Kroil and Seafoam 50/50. It has worked for me. I just took care of a nasty carbon ring in one of my competition rifles with this combo.

Joel, Seafoam and Kroil mixed together?