What is the correct COL for the Accubond or Ballistics tip


Jun 6, 2006
Hello All,

These is my first post but have been coming to this forum for a some time now. I have recently purchased a Win Ultimate Shadow .270 wsm and love the way it has preformed so far. I have found loads that are working pretty well. My real question deals with COL.

What are people using for the COL for 140g Nosler Accubonds, Nosler Ballistic Tip. Thanks in advance for the help on this question.
Needs to fit the mag box and not be into the lands. In the long run you will be better off to measure to the ogive of the bullet and not the tip.Rick.
Rick is correct, what works in my rifle may not in yours. I start w/ the bullet seated to clear the mag. box. As long as it isn't jambed into the lands, I'll use that as my max. COL.
I use the Stoney Point O.A.L. gauge to locate the lands, then back off to the length that either feeds OK, or gives the best group. Most times, I go with the best group, and load one at a time. The bullet free travel will vary with each chamber.