What is your dream Hunt?

A 2-3 week hunt on horseback in the mountains with one of my kids, chasing whatever we got tags for and not seeing other folks, roads, or signs of todays world. Any state with mountains & trees will do. Preferably in the fall when the colors are a changing and the temps dont drop any lower than 20* and no higher than 60*. And of course , it would not rain or snow....... :mrgreen:

My dream hunt would be the Utah Govenors Tag for elk or deer. Hunt anywhere in the state from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31. that is open to the species.

It might sound funny but it would be unbelievable. Record book potential with either tag.
Moose hunt in the yukon!!! That would be my dream hunt! Kind of like John Nosler did!
Fly in by bush plane and pack into base camp.Eat breakfast by an open fire in the Yukon and grab my 338 with my Nosler partitions.....then go knock one down! :grin:
to call in a timber wolf in either Canada or Alaska with my caller and get a big male above 120lbs not a black but a nice coyote colored wolf! I would use my 25-06 and 110 accu bonds!

Second to call in and shoot a black hyena a big sucker! I hear they have the most powderful jaws of about any canine! They can snap a femur bone of a zebra with one good bite! I also would like to trap one of these as well!

third would be a monster black bear in manitoba something over 400lbs! This maybe my best bet of comming true out of them all!