what powders for top velocity in 30-06 22" barrel 180gr

McSeal - my go-to powder with the .30-06 is H4350, I've messed with others with some success, but H4350 generally works out real well. Mine has a 21" barrel by the way.

For any .30-06 enthusiast, I'd highly recommend this 2009 article by John Barsness. There's a lot of great info in there:


One MOA and 2600+ fps is fine for 300 yard hunting. Sight it in at 200 yards, makes shooting from the muzzle to 225 yards easy. Hold over for 300, but no more than about 9" above your desired point of impact. It works great.

Regards, Guy
Got the chronograph out right before dark tonight. Avg velocity of 2742 with the 55gr of H4350 and another group of real close to 1", 1.1" tonight. I was in an uncomfortable shooting position, because the chair at my bench was sunk in the mud pretty good. Anyway, I'm getting more speed than I expected with this powder charge so I'm real pleased. Now I just need something to shoot with it.