What should I try next?


Jun 3, 2007
Take a look at the thumbnail (powder is I4350 not I3031):

Stevens 200 action
26" McGowen 1:7 twist Heavy Varmint Taper .243 Win
Kevin Rayhill Recoil Lug
Sharp Shooter Supply Competition Trigger

I know I'm going to have to bed the rifle, right now it is sitting in a Savage M12 Varmint synthetic stock. I was hoping to hold off the bedding job until I could get either a new B&C Medalist or McMillan stock for the rifle. But since the new stock is still a ways off, I'm going to have to bed the rifle if I want my groups to tighten up.

I'd like to bring my SD down as well hopefully into the single digits, do you think switching the primers would help with this? I haven't played with seating depth because I have the bullets out as long as I can get them while still feeding reliably from the magazine. Which still puts me a little over .030 off the lands.

I'm thinking of trying some H1000 or RL22 as well but I had 8 lbs of I4350 so I tried it first. I'd have to go buy the H1000 but have about 1.5 lbs of RL22 on the bench. Or should I just stick with I4350?
I'm having a little trouble understanding all the info in your chart and referencing it to the targets on the right. It appears to me that the target marked "2" is one of the best groups. I'd suspect that playing with seating depth by going to shorter COLs will tighten that group. I've not found the "close to the lands" methodology to work well for any of my rifles with the bullets I want to shoot. All of mine are well back from the lands, ranging from .040" to greater than .2" from the ogive. It's all about finding the accuracy node which may or may not be close to the lands.

I'm not sure what velocity you could get from RL22, but you could certainly try it. As for primers helping SD, I'm not a primer switcher so I really can't speak to that issue.
The targets have the order they were shot wrote in pen above the blocks. I folded over the paper to get it to scan so targets 1, 4, & 5 are on the top picture and 2 & 3 are on the bottom. Sorry for the confusion on the pics.
Primers can make a difference but how much is the question. In your case I'm not so sure it would make enough of a difference to get what you want. It would not hurt switching to a CCI BR or a Federal match primer. Will it make your group go from one inch to 1/10th of an inch. Probably not. They can tighten things up though.