What Would You Do

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Well while the forum was down for a tune up I had to get my internet fix at other forums.
I made the mistake of browsing the classifieds over of the 24hr campfire.
Deep in the classifieds was a post 64 New Haven M70 Classic CRF 338 Wm the owner says it's 90% it also has a Luepold VX3i on it. I have wanted one from before I went to Montana but could only find the Ruger M77 All Weather Hawkeye that I now own.
I have this Beretta BL5 pigeon grade 12ga setting in the safe which I have never fired since it was gifted to me.
The M70 owner wanted some pictures of the BL5 since I was offering a heads up trade for his M70 and after seeing the pictures he said he was interested.

Would you make a trade?
The BL5 is valued between $1200-$1500 from what I saw on price line.
If the BL5 is not a family heirloom or keepsake and you want the .338 trade it. You might loose some money but have what you really want. I have traded down couple of times and came away with something I liked and used. Go for it. Dan.
You won't lose a dime and you will have something you want and will probably use. After my dad passed, I ended up the owner of three shotguns, 2 Model 12's and another. As I can not hit the inside of a closet while standing inside with a shotgun, I traded and sold them. I am much happier with what I have now, and use.
I don't know if I can call it an heirloom but it did belong to my sister's deceased husband and was hid favorite gun. It has a long trigger pull and I would have to cut the stock to fit me should I ever want to use it. Since there are no birds in my area to hunt anymore (bird flu) and having several others I really don't need it or will use it.
Deal isn't carved in stone as of yet but still under consideration.
I do not see the problem. It is a gun that takes up space in your safe that you do not shoot that you did not buy, and as you said would need to be modified for you to use. Trade it and get something you want and will use.
Look at your Beretta as free money and can use it for whatever you want.

Buy the Winchester and be happy with the rifle you have always wanted.

You can then sell the Ruger, if you are not overly attached to it, and use that rifle for something else that you want.
My friend has a Model 70 Classic weakness, owns the .300 Win Mag, 2).338 Win Mag, and .375 H&H. His are all stainless models with the factory composite stocks. The stocks are pretty junky but the rifles shoot well nonetheless, the .375 being the most accurate. He has a couple of Hogue stocks he slips them into on occasion, which show no better accuracy but are nicer to hold on to.

I’ve owned 3 of the lefty’s, of which I’ve kept 1. Wish I would have kept them all.

I don’t think they are as nice as the pre-64’s. I don’t have any expertise with the new FN built rifles, but I understand the only thing some folks don’t like is the new trigger.

I don’t have much use for scatter guns, so if it were me, it would be in the mail.
I hate to go against the concensus here but I couldn't trade off a gun given under those circumstances.
Elkman":23aawb1z said:
Rodger, you lost this argument about 6 posts ago . (y)

I agree with Elkman

Rodger, unless it is a rifle, or shotgun that was your Dad's or Granddad's, all bets are off , at least for me. I would only keep it if it was something I liked and would use--otherwise I would always remember that my sisters deceased husband gave me the opportunity to have ( fill in the blank, with whatever he left you gets traded for ). With one exception. If your sister has a son or daughter that wants it, then I would give it to them.

Like Rodger, I thought the forum had closed its doors, and also visited a different forum a couple fellows here have been asking me to join----but --alas---Nosler is back!
gbflyer it is a New Haven classic built in New Haven and has the pre64 trigger just no knot in the barrel like the pre64s.
Yeah Bill i sort of figured that out also.
April she gave them to me because here children didn't want them or knew what to do with them.
Seriously doubt if any of them have ever shot a gun and would be a victim instead of a survivor.
The seller took the scope off when someone wanted just a rifle price and then backed out so I'm still negotiating to get a little more value. If it works great if not It might end up on GB unless someone here would want it. As you can tell I'm not trying to get rich off of it.
grry10":2o1l63x5 said:
I have to agree with Bruce. I would not feel right trading it.
I can understand where you and Bruce are coming from.
Another reason she gave them to me was to get them out of the house and was going get rid of them anyway so she wasn't attached to them either.
I'm thankful she gave them to me but I won't use them.
Well for better or worse it's a done deal.
I've been haggling with the M70 owner all evening and he sent me a copy of his FFL so now I have to get it boxed up to ship. :)o)
I'm sure that you will enjoy your new-to-you 338 Win Mag!
Hope that you enjoy many adventures with it!
Blkram":2h9i61vy said:
I'm sure that you will enjoy your new-to-you 338 Win Mag!
Hope that you enjoy many adventures with it!
Thanks for now it will be range trips learning what it will like and latter hope to use it on a few hunting trips.
Elkman":2l2ub2lx said:
Congratulations Rodger, you have another great rifle.
Thanks Bill, want to buy a slightly used Ruger M77 all weather Hawkeye 338wm? :)o)