what's next ?


Aug 16, 2011
I don't know if you guys are following this , or even know about it . it sure is something to think about . when obamacare was shoved on us , all the news could talk about was the Toyota accelerator problem . now all the news is covering is ISIS or ISIL , and the illegal immigrant problem . while this crap is going on, behind the scenes ,with the first amendment . this sure isn't what our men and women have fought for . this makes me sick .

here is a link , it's well worth the 20 minutes to watch this video .
http://personalliberty.com/cruz-dems-ig ... amendment/

this is an email I received .

Yesterday, the US Senate voted to advance a bill that would alter the Bill of Rights and limit our first amendment right to free speech.

S.J. Res. 19 is co-sponsored by 48 Democrats. That’s right – 48 United States Senators would AMEND the First Amendment to give themselves the power to control what citizens and citizens groups can say about CONGRESS and other elected officials and candidates. That is CORE political speech that our Founding Fathers knew the government should NOT control!! If this were the law, Tea Party Patriots would NOT be allowed to tell you what your government officials and candidates are doing!!

Call your Senators today and tell them to STOP the Democrats from repealing our rights to free speech!

This isn't the first time the Democrats have tried to gut the first amendment this year and it's beginning to look like they are more serious than ever to silence us!

This is the same old song and dance that we've seen throughout the last year. When the Democrats collaborated with the IRS to target conservative groups, they were trying to silence our speech. When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pushed for the debate in the Judiciary Committee to repeal the first amendment, they were trying to silence our speech. And now bringing this bill to the Senate floor for debate in an effort to jam it through is an effort to silence our speech.

We must speak up now before it is too late! Call your Senators today! See the list of the Democrats in the United States Senate who have signed on to silence YOU!

First Last Party State Phone
Michael Bennet D CO (202) 224-5852
Tom Harkin D IA (202) 224-3254
Charles Schumer D NY (202) 224-6542
Jeanne Shaheen D NH (202) 224-2841
Sheldon Whitehouse D RI (202) 224-2921
Jon Tester D MT (202) 224-2644
Barbara Boxer D CA (202) 224-3553
Christopher Coons D DE (202) 224-5042
Angus King D ME (202) 224-5344
Christopher Murphy D CT (202) 224-4041
Ron Wyden D OR (202) 224-5244
Al Franken D MN (202) 224-5641
Amy Klobuchar D MN (202) 224-3244
Mark Udall D CO (202) 224-5941
Tim Johnson D SD (202) 224-5842
Robert Menendez D NJ (202) 224-4744
Jack Reed D RI (202) 224-4642
Richard Blumenthal D CT (202) 224-2823
Martin Heinrich D NM (202) 224-5521
Jeff Merkley D OR (202) 224-3753
Dianne Feinstein D CA (202) 224-3841
Mark Begich D AK (202) 224-3004
Benjamin Cardin D MD (202) 224-4524
Kirsten Gillibrand D NY (202) 224-4451
Kay Hagan D NC (202) 224-6342
Barbara Mikulski D MD (202) 224-4654
Tammy Baldwin D WI (202) 224-5653
Edward Markey D MA (202) 224-2742
Elizabeth Warren D MA (202) 224-4543
Sherrod Brown D OH (202) 224-2315
John Walsh D MT (202) 224-2651
Richard Durbin D IL (202) 224-2152
Harry Reid D NV (202) 224-3542
Mazie Hirono D HI (202) 224-6361
Thomas Carper D DE (202) 224-2441
Patty Murray D WA (202) 224-2621
Brian Schatz D HI (202) 224-3934
Bernard Sanders D VT (202) 224-5141
John Rockefeller D WV (202) 224-6472
Debbie Stabenow D MI (202) 224-4822
Cory Booker D NJ (202) 224-3224
Heidi Heitkamp D ND (202) 224-2043
Joe Manchin D WV (202) 224-3954
Claire McCaskill D MO (202) 224-6154
Maria Cantwell D WA (202) 224-3441
Bill Nelson D FL (202) 224-5274
Robert Casey D PA (202) 224-6324
Carl Levin D MI (202) 224-6221
This political ploy was an election year ploy to embarrass Republicans. However, Republicans turned the tables when they voted to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Now, Democrats are forced to debate the bill which halts other legislation (a good thing in the Democratic controlled Senate) and serves to embarrass the Democrats facing re-election this year. Few Democrats wanted this bill to become law; fewer still wanted it to come to the floor. It will not pass. Even were it to pass, the House, as currently constituted, would refuse to pass this particular legislation. However, I do get your point that it is disturbing that even as a ploy this legislation would be introduced.
Its a common tactic of this administration. Create or take advantage of a disaster, ie: diversion, so they can carry out their hidden agenda. Quite the contrary to what the Kenyon promised when he said this would be the most transparent administration ever.

ISIS is the tip of the iceberg. With unprotected boarders, I would not be surprised if they are already here planning an attack. Do to the lack of response and/or action to this terrorist group, I am of the opinion that the Kenyon has ties to ISIS. Any other president would have already responded with a massive air strike on Syria.
One year ago a couple of surgical air strikes would have taken out their camps and trainers setting them back.

Too little too late now.
Time for another round of golf?
