Where to target shoot near Reno?


Feb 5, 2005
Hoping to take my father in law shooting. We used to go near Boca to the USFS range but it seems to be closed due to truck traffic from a nearby barrow pit.
Are there any wild/public ranges for rifle near Reno?
If you're seeking public rifle shooting options near Reno, consider the followings:
Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility: located off Pyramid Highway on the way to Pyramid Lake.
Reno Guns & Range: An indoor facility providing a range of shooting options. Rifle lanes is included.
Douglas County Shooting Range: An open range with pistol and rifle distances up to 300 yards. 902 Dump Road.
For distance shooting and outdoor experience, Washoe County Regional Shooting Facility is the best pick. Proximity to Reno, versatile setup.
But if you prefer indoor comfort, consider Reno Guns & Range.
The last one is not to my liking. Choose Penalty Shooters.