Which Enduron Powder for .243 Win.


Nov 5, 2015
Got a .243Win that jacket fouls quite a bit and was wondering which of the Enduron powders someone would suggest using 95-100 gr bullets? Have not tried these powders but do use CFE223 and don't find any data for this bullet weight range. Maybe one of the Reloader powders that has the same features? What do you all say? Dan.
4451 and 4955 would be my choices. In the Rl group R16 for temp stability and R-26 for speed. I use 26 in my 243 with 95 gr. Partitions. I have found 26 to be pretty good in the temp stability area in my 243 and 300 SAUM and RUM.
I have loaded IMR 4064 in my .243, and 4166 is very similar. I've used it in some 30-06 loads, but haven't tried it in .243 yet.
Been using H4350 with the 95BT and IMR4831 with the 100PT. Just thought I'd try one of those newer powders that might cut down on the jacket fouling. Something close to H4350 and wanted to see what others were using. Thanks, Dan.
IMR4451 is similar burn rate to H4350.

I had good results with IMR4955 and 4166 in other cartridges.
I just put together a 243 Remage with an X-Caliber barrel. I picked up a jug of RL16 just for this rifle. I've only put 18 rounds down the tube so far, clean up is relatively easy but I do need to find a new carbon cleaner so it's fewer patches, hardly any copper build up with 70gr Varmageddon's and a few 87 gr Vmax. Plan on testing the 90gr tipped game king after the barrel stabilizes. The 70gr shot very well.

Tagging in to see what advice is given with this round.

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Looked for some RL16 and IMR4451 today but no luck. Will try another store next week. Guess stocks are down being after deer seasons winding down. Dan.
I'm not sure how well these powders work at copper cleaning . after you use it let us know your thoughts .

I used IMR7828 with 100 gr partitions . if you try this powder get the "SSC" short cut version .
I found some IMR 4451 and have it loaded with the 95 gr bt in fc case with fed 210 primers. Started at the min. 38.5 going up to 41.5 grs four rounds each. Data shows this to be .3 grs under max. Hope to make it to the range next week. Dan.
I chrono'd some loads with RL16 yesterday, no where near advertised speeds. New Dogtown brass, first time using it, SB LR primers. 70gr Varmageddon loaded on top of 45gr RL16 netted me 3334 for five shots, 41.5gr with the 87gr Vmax gave me 3035.

Barrel is 24", and after yesterday's range day, there is a total of 40 rounds down the barrel, so it will speed up in sure. Environmentals were harsh, 25 degrees with a 15 mph wind, ammo and rifles were cold.

70gr had an SD of 12, 87gr was funny. Second shot registered 2998, which gave me an SD over 25. Once I deleted that from my string my other four had an ES of 24, SD of 11.9. Magnetospeed V3 used for all testing.

Switching to my standard CCI 200s for cold weather hunting. These are the only charges I've used, it is shooting under an inch. Good enough for coyotes this winter then I'll try harder once the snow goes.

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Did a ladder test with 28 rounds of IMR4451 95gr BT Fed210 GM This powder fouls as bad as H4350 and IMR4831 so there was no difference. I did do a little polishing of the bore before shooting. The can says reduces fouling not eliminate it but didn't help in my rifle which is a Husqvarna. Also the best group was 3/4 ins not bad but H4350 will group 3/8- 1/2 in. So since I will be scrubbing the bore might as well use what shoots the best. Dan.
I had a gut feeling the copper cleaner would not do much , just another gimmick .

I think it's Tubbs barrel lapping bullets . these bullets go from coarse to fine to help smooth out a rough barrel . I've never used them . maybe some of the guys on here have , and could tell you how well they work .
wvbuckbuster":1kk48xab said:
Did a ladder test with 28 rounds of IMR4451 95gr BT Fed210 GM This powder fouls as bad as H4350 and IMR4831 so there was no difference. I did do a little polishing of the bore before shooting. The can says reduces fouling not eliminate it but didn't help in my rifle which is a Husqvarna. Also the best group was 3/4 ins not bad but H4350 will group 3/8- 1/2 in. So since I will be scrubbing the bore might as well use what shoots the best. Dan.
Please note that the Enduron powders make no claim about being cleaner, that I'm aware of. They claim to reduce temperature sensitivity and copper fouling. Essentially, making it so that the copper deposits don't stick to your barrel. But there will still be plenty of fouling when you clean.
4451 is dirty, especially if you are at the lower end of the pressure spectrum. That said, I find the copper elimination to be quite good and very helpful. If you have a rough bore, it isn't as effective in my experience.
It very well could be just my rifle has a bore that is rough and the de-coppering agent doesn't work well in it. I have had good results with CFE223 in both a .223 and .308 so the technology does work. Anyway it was a learning experience . Dan.