Which Forster Dies??


Sep 27, 2007
I am looking for a set of dies for my new 270 win. I saw a forster seater die on sale, but wanted to know if someone could enlighten me on a forster bushing neck sizing die. Can someone explain how they work and if you would recommend them.

Right now I have been buying an rcbs set with fl and seater and then buying the lee neck sizing die. If you buy the forster bushing neck sizing die will you still need the fl sizing die? After thinking about it I haven't used the full length sizer very much except maybe after buying new brass or wanting to use brass from a rifle I sold in a new rifle in the same caliber?

I found somewhere that has the forster seater only on sale but won't save much money if I still have to buy the fl sizer might as well buy the set. Thanks

I am in the process of switching over from my rcbs rockchucker and rcbs dies to the forster coax and all my new rifles will have forster dies.
I have a few sets of Forster dies and they are NICE! I love their seater die and their sizing die just works like the bees knees. Much smoother to my feeling. I like the seating die in that it supports the entire case during seating operations and seems to have been ultra consistent for me.

I wished I could speak to their neck sizing dies as I just Partial size everything .002" under. My brass lasts forever like that. Never got into the neck sizing deal, but it is a great method.. Good luck with tHE COAX. I would not be without mine. Ever! Scotty
I've never used the neck sizing die, though I have at least ten sets of Forster dies. I recently purchased the shoulder bump die for the 300 WSM, but I've not used it yet. I bought a selection of bushings as they weren't that expensive and will give me some latitude as I work with a variety of rifles.
Forster Neck Bushing Die works by resizing the neck and at the same time set the shoulder back a few thousandth. It comes with 3 bushing. I believe you have to specify an appropriate bushing size for your cartridge when purchasing the die. The way to do it is to measure the diameter of the loaded round and then subtract .002". This will be the size of your bushing. For example your loaded 270 cartridge has a diameter of .308". So .308" minus .002" equals .306". Since you'll have 3 bushing of choice, then the other two should have a measurement of .305" and .307".

Have you used that bump die yet? I found one on sale and am about to buy it unless you think it is a better paper weight.
I also have several sets of Forster dies but do not do neck sizing with the bushing but others have answered your question. I do use the FL sizer and Bench Rest Seater dies for about 6 calibers and they give me extremely consistent results with just the standard carbide neck sizing buttons, bought for each of them. The sizer dies are very consistant and set the case shoulder back the same each sizing (within .001 inch).
I haven't used the bump die yet as I haven't been shooting my WSMs this winter. I've been focused on standard length cartridges. However, your question does generate a desire within me to use it. I'll have to plan to take my 300WSM with me on my next range trip next week.