Which HD5?


Nov 1, 2012
Hey all,

New job is running AWESOME. Already kicking a** and am the top recruit of my class. I think its time to reward myself for getting my career in LE going with a scope for my 7mm08.

I want the Zeiss HD5. I put my old Conquest 3-9 on my 22, and I am tired of seeing my 7mm08 without a scope. All the talk of the new HD5 plus playing with one in the store a while back has sold me on one.

I am thinking of either the 2-10x42 HD5 or the 3-15 with lockable target turret. Both are at a really great price right now on Cameraland.

What do you guys think? Is the extra money worth being spent on the 3-15 with target turrets over the 2-10? I would also be getting a bigger objective and adjustable parralax as well.


I'm saving for the 3 -15 x 42 myself but with the RZ 800 reticle.
I think the 3 power is low enough for close fast shooting but the 15 really helps when you reach out there. Please keep in mind I already have a 5 - 25 x 50 that I like a lot.
I have two HD5's, both 3-15x42's. One is on a .270 Win Model 70 and the other is on a Mauser 7mm Rem Mag. I have some range time on the .270 Win now and am very happy with the scope both for clarity and for target control at longer range.
I would go with a 2-12 for the 7mm-08 and put a 3-15 on something that would allow you to shoot farther out.

I don't think anyone around here would talk you out of the HD5. Pretty nice scope for the money. Brian's has held up well on the big 338, so it does have a degree of toughness..
Here's what I posted on another thread:

I will have to give this topic more consideration before I reply.
I will say I currently have two, and looking for a third, Zeiss scope on two, soon to be three, rifles.
Current: .338 Win Mag, HD5 5-25x50 with RZ800
30-06, Conquest 3-9x40 with Z600

Possible Change: .338 Win Mag, 3-15x42 with RZ600
30-06, Stays the same.
6.5 x 284, HD5 5-25x50 with Z800

Between those three scopes I could probably do anything I wanted to do with any three rifles I may care to use. I've become a big fan of the Zeiss ballistic drop reticles.

Glad to hear the new job is going well, AJ, especially after the roller coaster at the beginning.

Can't say either of those would be a bad choice; it will come down to your personal preferences for that particular rifle. You're right, the demo prices at CLNY are great. Thinking I might snag a 3-15 myself to upgrade the .338. I have a 2-10 on my .280, and at 2-power it is wide open. Wide enough to see the barrel. I believe the field of view specs are 50+ feet for the 2x versus 35 feet for the 3x.

Good luck with your decision!
I have the 2 - 10X42 HD5 on my 30-06 and it served me very well in Montana last fall. On the outfitter's recommendation I set the magnification at 6x upon arrival and left it there for the entire hunt. It was perfect at 250 yds for a running Mulie Buck.

Have no experience with the 3 - 15 but expect it would be very nice for load development if you hand load or shooting longer distances. Good Luck, Rol
Good to hear that your new position is working out to your expectations. I would go with the 2-10 on a 7mm-08, and use the higher magnification for something that is shooting much farther.
My vote goes with the 2-10x42, I have the Zplex on the 375 H&H and the Z600 on my 7mm Rem mag, great glass without question. As for myself, 10x is more than enough for any long range shooting,good luck on your choice, it's a win,win situation 8)

Thanks all. I ended up picking up the 3-15 with lockable turrets, as the plan is to use the 7mm08 to work on some long range shooting as well. It will be sitting in Talley Tactical low rings on a Talley 20 MOA base.
A.J. it is great to hear that you are doing so well with the new job.
I guess you already decided on which model Zeiss to get :). Looking forward to a full report on it once you get it mounted and out to the range. Again good to hear of your success keep up the good work!!

Congratulations on getting one fine scope. It will serve you well.

No doubt you are going to love the Zeiss. All I've had have made me smile.