Wifes Deer Season


Feb 14, 2007
Well I finally got the pics from my uncle of my wifes buck. Then yesterday she shot a nice doe out on the farm. Both were taken with a 120 BT out of a 7-08 at about 100 yards. A bit to far forward on the buck, had to preform the kill shot, and missjudged the angle. Took the left antler off on the exit :oops:. She made up for it on the doe though, one shot right in the shoulder.



Of course she couldn't leave Moose the wonder dog at home for a few hours :roll:. He wasn't to sure what to think of the doe.

Way to go!
Congratulations to your bride.

Well its good that she has a good guide and shes a pretty good shot too!

I helped skin that doe and those 120g nbt's tore her up bad. I was surprised at how much damage the 7-08 did. I've never seen anything shot with one before.

Congrats to the both of you once again.
Good job. I wouldn't worry about the antler to much, they don't taste that good anyway. More on the tough side and kind of gritty. :lol:
Congratulations to your lady. It looks as if she can handle that rifle just fine. Moose the wonder dog looks as if he is somewhat more than part of the family.
Thanks again for the help with the skinning remingtonman. After I took the hose to her the meat damage was not as bad as it looked. There was just alot of blood in there from when she was staggering off and bleeding out. My bro's wife used that same load to take hers later that night and it was the same story. One through the shoulders, twelve yards and flop. Meat damage wasn't to bad once we got it all washed off.
Way to go Mrs. JMAD-81! You too guys for taking em.

My wife used to go bowhunting with me and now my daughters go, its a great thing to share.

& I'm with Russ, antlers taste yucky.

Congrats, on a great hunt and being able to do it with your wife makes it even better.

You might as well give up hunting now. Looks like the wife has the nack. :wink: Congrats to you both.
