Wife's first mulie buck!


Nov 19, 2010
About 30 miles from here there is wildlife management area that is a hot spot for Julie's this time of year. There is a lot of small chunks of private land and the people feed the deer year round. So there are a lot of does around. Mid November and does equals bucks. Some giants have been taken out of this area so we headed up after work with only a couple hours to hunt. Right across the road from the parking lot was about 10 does and a 160-170 class buck not 50 yards off the road. We were hopin he would cross but never saw him again. We hiked in about 1/2 mile and found a spot to sit where we could see. We weren't there 2 minutes when my Dusti spotted a buck coming down the hill. We didn't have time to wait on him so we planned a stalk. We got to close to him and he followed his does out across the open about 50'yards in front of us. He was at a steady walk and wouldn't stop. Classic mulie though, and he stopped and looked back at us about 150 yards on the crest if the hill. She shot and he kicked and ran off in the trees. We ran up the hill and he was standing in the trees real sick. She popped him again and her first mulie buck was down! She used her Ruger hawkeye all weather 270 win with 150gr hornadys over some h-1000.




This dude was the nastiest smelling thing I've ever been around in my life. Took a lot to not gag while guttin him!
Loving it! Great deer great gun and great shot.

I would be proud~
He may smell bad, but your lady certainly shot a fine looking buck. Congratulations to Dusti; she did very well, indeed.
Thanks guys! I'm one lucky dude! She loves chasin animals just as much as I do! She is a trooper!
Congratulations! She got a dandy buck - those antlers are classic.

Nice pink panels on the stock by the way... :grin: That ought to keep you from borrowing her rifle!
Congratulations to Dusti on her first mulie buck, you have a great life hunting with all of your family. I hope you keep posting up threads in the future they are fun to read.
Congrats! That is bigger than anything I have ever shot. Good on her! And you for that matter.
That is a great Buck and you are a lucky Man.

Edit 11/18/12 CL

My apologies to your wife..... :grin: Sounds like she made a great shot on a beautiful buck- well done! (and you are still a lucky Man! :grin: ) CL
Great buck and great shooting by your new bride! What a hog of a buck. Looks pretty rut swollen!
Congratulations to you guys and especially your wife for the great buck! I love mule deer. They are such a neat animal.
Happy Thanksgiving and greetings from USNAVCENT! Congratulations to you guys on an awesome buck and great first deer! I like that rifle too. It doesn't get much better than .270 Win!
Thanks guys. Is is her 4th buck but her first mule deer buck. The other 3 have all been whitetails