Wife's first successful hunt

Bud that is a great story, congratulate your wife for me. She is well on the way to becoming a great hunting partner.
The photos are also amazing and then showing the fine processed Moose is just icing on top!!
That should keep you going for awhile this winter.
Thank you for the post.

Congratulations on a great hunt. Just look at your wife's smile. That tells the whole story for me.
Congratulations to your child bride on her cow moose.

That's very cool and what a great looking combination of a featherweight in stainless with a wood stock! Very classy just like the bullet and cartridge combination! Excellent shot she made, and that moose rug is going to look fabulous over a banister or on a hardwood floor. Gorgeous. I imagine she's going to be very good eating also.

Its actually a wichester extreme weather in a factory feathweight stock. It is a very classy combo and shoots lights out. I originally picked it up in peices for a song and put it back together and set headspace. I was going to keep it for myself but my wife liked the look of it so much she liberated it from me! It has a vias muzzle break and nice soft pachmeyer pad on it. She shoots it very well.

Got the hide back, not sure what she's going to do with it!

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