Wife's hair cut =


Dec 2, 2010
Varget!!! While she was getting a hair cut I stopped by a local store to kill some time. I got gouged a little. 30.00 for a pound but it is small local shop. They got 2 cans in and I got the first one off the shelf. (I have a few pounds of it now so I am good otherwise I would have grabbed both.) They also have 4 1# cans of H380. That was 25.00. I drive by the place all the time and stop in once a week. This is the first powder for them in over 6 weeks. I don't know if I should stop by and get some H380 or not. I have never used it but I could try it in the 22-250 I guess. They also have large rilfe mag primers from 3 different companies.
Actually, H380 works quite well with light to mid-weight bullets in the 300WSM and in some of the standard cartridges. In fact, with some monolithic bullets, it is the powder of choice for 165/168 grain bullets in the 300WSM.
Maybe I should get some, then I would have to buy a 300WSM.

Would you go grab the last Varget for 30.00?
wisconsinteacher":1xbiwxaa said:
Maybe I should get some, then I would have to buy a 300WSM.

Now you're thinking clearly!

wisconsinteacher":1xbiwxaa said:
Would you go grab the last Varget for 30.00?

Depends on how much I was using. As it is, the cost in northern BC is $35/pound, so $30 doesn't sound so bad. However, if I was used to paying $20/pound, I might balk. I use quite a bit of Varget, but I also know that for the cartridges for which I use it, I can run some other powders with fair equivalence. The answer really hinges on need.
I paid 26.00 before the shortage. I plan on using it in the 6BR when I get it built. If it doesn't work in that, I can shoot it up in my AR or 22-250, 30-30, or 30-06.
I have some Varget in hand, and RL-15 on order. I "will" keep both!!! I will be happy with a little more of both. Got some H-4350, 1000, and some IMR 4895 coming in a trade, for 22 Ammo and 45APC ammo. $ 30 and higher is the going price for powder around here. ! I am going to shut down the 22 Ammo trading, as my supply is getting smaller.
wisconsinteacher":1j89j50d said:
I paid 26.00 before the shortage. I plan on using it in the 6BR when I get it built. If it doesn't work in that, I can shoot it up in my AR or 22-250, 30-30, or 30-06.

That is consistent with inflationary trends. At that price, I'd likely jump on it like a chicken on a June bug.