Wildcat westerm rounds, Rem Ultra's or RUM Hybrids???


May 19, 2007
I've been toying with the idea of building a wildcat for a few years. Recently, our local sporting goods storeowner's son finished gunsmith school in montana(can't recall the name of it. Anyway, they've got a lathe and shop mostly set up. This kid wants to build a portfolio, so he is dying to build something COOL. OK, questions are: DO I let a relatively green kid build a 257 or 6.5mm STW? those are good wildcats, but really for the brass/ammo issues a 7 RUM is better. a 6.5mm/300 RUM is a crazy idea, question there is where to get data, and is this rnd even useful, be running less than 750 rnd barrel life if treated well, maybe 1200 in a .855 barrel diameter. The other questions are: with a young smith like this, maybe a 338 RUM target rifle or necking a 300 RUM up to 44 or 45 might be a better and safer project. Or maybe just a nice 378Wby? Maybe more tolerance for preassure with the larger diameter bore to work with. I am kind of 30 cal wonder at the moment, with the exception of a 264 in pre 64 m70, a CZ 550 varmint 308, 300 wby mkV Deluxe & 30-378 Mk V accumk is all I have for rifles. So the larger bore might be fun. The other thing is I love guns, but have little technical knowledge in regards to action strength, rate of twist etc. I would favor a mauser 98, but can it fit the longer 8 rem or RUM cases?

Any suggestions??

OH yeah, I've got to get most of the material in canada or I'll be an old man by the time we get it across the border.

What are you going to use the rifle for?

Maybe as a new smith, it's time to go slowly? Build some nice rifles in conventional cartridges and prove that he can deliver a quality product with something like a .308 Win? Can he build it to be as accurate and reliable as others can?

Then later, I'd assess what I wanted in a custom rig and have him build it. Even then it might be wise to stick to something with SAAMI standards, a .300 RUM or something. That's pretty wild all by itself, putting most of the known .30 cal magnums from 12 years ago to shame.

Just my thoughts. Let him walk first, then see about running with the big boys and building wildcats.

Regards, Guy
Guy, why not do something different? Maybe a 6.5-375 Ruger for example.
It would have more capacity than a 264WM, but not extreme overbore as
the 6.5 RUM. You would have near 6.5STW vel, but with a shorter, non-belted case. It seems to have alot of pluses to me, I have been thinking about this a little while. You could get about a 28" tube & give Reflex some trouble! :grin:

Just a thought!
If I was going to have a rifle built that would handle extreemly high pressures like a STW or a long fat wildcat, I wouldn't allow a newbe to build it for me. If I wanted a Newbe to build me a rilfe, I agree w/ guy and would have him build me one that is a little more standard like a 308 or a 30-06.
Thanks for the advice, you guys kind of hit the nail on the head. While I would love to build a high intensity cartridge long range deer or elk rifle, getting a kid that has only built rifles under someone else's supervision is not a great idea. That thought had struck me. You had suggested getting him to build a 308, I might go for a nice 22-250 (maybe AI) on a czech mauser 98, 26" heavy barrel 1-10" twist, see what he can do for nice wood work. This is because I'm full up on 30's.

JD338 had asked what will I use it for. In north-eastern Alberta we have a great variety of game to choose from. Locally we have: mooose, whitetail, mulie, blackbear & enough coyotes that there is $15 bounty. If you want to travel to the western foothills, we have: sheep, Elk, Grizzly(by draw) & cougar(also by draw). Plus, I love to shoot so a heavy barrel target rig in 300 or 338 RUM would be dandy as a dual purpose long range elk & target rifle. Problem with the bigger rounds is the action they require. This pushes me more to a 22-250. One of my friends has a CZ built mauser 98 8X57 that he wants to shake, I think he wanted 75 or 100 bucks for it. Needs a bolt turn and safety mod for mounting a scope, but with a timeny or jewell trigger that isn't an issue. Cheap action for a custom 22-250. Be a good project to start with, glass or Pillar bedding, and whose barrel to use shilen or hart?

jtoews80":14nu8c1d said:
JD338 had asked what will I use it for. In north-eastern Alberta we have a great variety of game to choose from. Locally we have: mooose, whitetail, mulie, blackbear & enough coyotes that there is $15 bounty. If you want to travel to the western foothills, we have: sheep, Elk, Grizzly(by draw) & cougar(also by draw). Plus, I love to shoot so a heavy barrel target rig in 300 or 338 RUM would be dandy as a dual purpose long range elk & target rifle.

Go with a 338 RUM. :wink:
