Wildlife & hiking

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Went out this morning for a short two-hour hike, and was fortunate enough to come across some of our local wildlife. I had my .25-06 along, but Wiley Coyote didn't show his tail. Thought I'd show my photos from this morning. It's hunting related at any rate!

Here's my canyon - where I've hunted, hiked and ridden a mountain bike for years:

Was very lucky and ran into a herd of bighorn sheep. They're fairly easy to approach.


The eagle photo is a bit blurry, he was moving fast and I couldn't track him well.

And a few mule deer:



It was a fine morning for a hike. Temps in the upper 30's, nearly a clear sky and apparently the wildlife was out and about as well. Looks like it's going to be a really dry summer though. A month ago this canyon was buried in deep snow, but it's almost all melted, and we've had precious little snowfall in the past month.
Oh man. You flatlander just don't know what the real mountains are like. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You live in one of the most beautiful and bountiful places on earth! Thank you for sharing the wonder of God's creation with us in pictures.
You are truley blessed and I can sure understand your appreciation of that. :grin:

Good Everything and God Bless
Elkhunt :grin:
Great pictures. You did indeed get close to some of the local wildlife. Thanks for sharing.
Good photos. Beautiful country. Nice wildlife. I love it. Thanks. Al Crouch
Well this flat lander knows what they are like and I yearn for them every year, they keep calling me back. Guy, those were great pictures and that was so cool of you to show them. Really great country. I just love it out west but my wife will stay close to the grandchildren and I will only get to go every other year. Man, would I love to live out there, been in love with the west from the first visit I ever made, just love those mountains. Thanks again for the pictures, they were truly great.

Thanks for sharing the fantastic photos! In my book, you had a successful hike, even though you didn't catch up with a coyote.

Great photos Guy. How high is that mountain ? Looks like terrain for a flat shooting rifle and a spotting scope and a range finder and a couple of 20 year olds to pack the meat out for ya. :) :) :) Good luck on coyotes.