Win Model 70 375 H&H

That would be an excellent rifle to own. I do like the cartridge, and in the Model 70 CRF...
That Zeiss scope mounted atop the rifle would be fine glass for that rifle.
That could be a terrific rifle for a fellow hunting big bad critters in bad weather...

I'm thinking Alaska...
Guy Miner":2ktv1deo said:
That could be a terrific rifle for a fellow hunting big bad critters in bad weather...

I'm thinking Alaska...

I have my old 338 Win Mag, Classic Stainless, that I think wants to become a 375 or something like that when it grows up. The picture in my head of the finished rifle isn't too far off the one pictured.
That is certainly in good shape to be seventy-five years old! Very handsome.
SWFA has had a run of these Winchesters recently. Including this one, a Super Grade .257 Roberts and a .300 H&H all Pre 64 and nice!
I saw them too. They just had a NICE 300 H&H how for 1575.00. I was sick.