300 H&H Ruger Number One...

First off, the #1S is my favorite version of that rifle. I have several all in .300 Win. Mag. and all are tack drivers with their preferred loads. Second, IIRC, the .300 H&H was either a limited run or fairly short run for the cartridge. I haven't bought any new or new to me guns for quite a long while but it that .300 H&H was waved under my nose I'm not all that sure I could have resisted the temptation.
Paul B.
Brass has been pretty tough to find. Make sure you get all he has when you buy the rifle. I would suggest neck sizing only so you gain some benefit from the sloping shoulder.
I would have to buy that rifle. #1 in 300 H&H is on the short list. Haven’t seen one at a decent price in a while. Just got a 1B in 30-06 that may get converted to 300 H&H if I can’t find one soon.
I know of one going on an estate sale auction tomorrow. In fact there's an entire collection of No. 1's going up for sale. Unfortunately, my experience is that most go well above fair market value.

I know of one going on an estate sale auction tomorrow. In fact there's an entire collection of No. 1's going up for sale. Unfortunately, my experience is that most go well above fair market value.

Which cartridges do they have?
Guy where are the pictures of your new gun? We know you have a camera. LOL

Ya, it's not going to happen guys. I was temporarily smitten, but am in the phase of life where I'm selling or giving away things more often than I'm buying things.

Mama and I have made huge inroads on getting rid of "stuff" this year. I've been selling off firearms too. Locally for the most part.

Ya, it's not going to happen guys. I was temporarily smitten, but am in the phase of life where I'm selling or giving away things more often than I'm buying things.

Mama and I have made huge inroads on getting rid of "stuff" this year. I've been selling off firearms too. Locally for the most part.

We ever gonna see the M70 Super Grade 7mm again or was that one you offed?
I keep looking at #1 in a 416 Rigby or 450/400 because I need another elk rifle. But I’ve reached that point where I’ve made 1/4 inch dowls with a red flag to indicate dirty. If a rifle goes back in the safe without cleaning it gets a dirty flag. Otherwise I can’t remember what condition I left it in. I doubt I’ll buy another unless it has spectacular wood.
I just sold several guns that had been languishing in the safe. I hated to do it but sometimes the best thing to do is to simplify. Plain truth of it is, there is even more fat that could be cut but for now I will forbear.

I may have mentioned this before Guy but that is one gorgeous Model 70 you have!! I will have to bring a towel to wipe the drool off of it when you come hunting in January.
That’s my weakness , I’ll get a silly idea of caliber and it shows up in my safe.
I have the same problem x2.
Stopped by Weatherby and someone "needs" a new rifle. She's torn between a 6.5 Wby RPM or another 280 AI.
I've created a monster.



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