Winchester M70


Mar 6, 2017
My late Father in laws old rifle. I believe when I had looked up the serial number yrs ago, it's a 1969 model.

Posted about this rifle numerous times. Shoots everything from 130's to 180's that I've tried in it. Most bullet weights will get you around 1/2" MOA in this rifle. Easy to load for.

Ugly as a mud fence really as far as modern rifles go, and I've left it like my Father in law had it set up. Hooded front sight, see thru high rise mounts, and a cheap Simmons 3-9, 8 point scope on it.

Lack of looks and all, can't beat it with a stick. Just shoots.

So an older gent getting out of hunting, this past week gave me gobs of once fired 30-06 factory brass in the boxes..... he always shot factory loads, but he also gave me 4 boxes of reloaded rounds.

Some yrs back he had a co-worker offer to reload some 30-06 for him. He always shot 180 gr RN and this guy loaded him up 4 boxes. He went through about 1/2 of 1 box and had several mis-fires and never shot any of the rest.

Lots of them had raised primers not properly seated. Pulled the bullets, left in the original primers. Finished seating the primers. Cleaned the outside of the cases up wiping them down with rubbing alcohol, then used red scotch brite to clean up the shoulder area. Resized them leaving in the primer and bumping the shoulders back enough to chamber in this rifle.

I believe the bullets are the same Hornady 180 gr RN that I have a couple other boxes of, don't know for sure, nothing was marked on these reload boxes. Loaded 3 up in those cases and primers with IMR 4350 at .060 off the lands. Wanted to see how the primers/cases/bullets did.

Nice little 1/2" group. Gotta love a sleeper rifle that always shoots better than it looks. :grin:

Slimfinn":1voak3jb said:
Yes you sure have to love that!

Yep. I try not to shoot it too much anymore, the way it shoots a range of bullets, it's the only gun I'd ever need for anything really. No sense in wearing it out, I know how it shoots.

I went down in my gun room and looked, and I lied. There's 6 boxes of those 180 gr reloads, not 4. I had 4 in my head because that's what he told me. Minus the 1/2 box he shot, that'll give me another 100 plus primers to use without using what I got.

He also gave me 5 additional boxes of once fired 30-06 factory. 5 boxes of the same in 7 RM, (don't know what I'll do with those), a box of 22-250 once fired, and a box of 270. Plus 2 boxes of 300 WM federal premium once fired factory. My one buddy scarfed those up when I showed him.

Was a good end to the day stopping in at an old customers house. (y)
How does it feel to stumble into a goldmine? You've done well, that's for sure. A great treasure, and the icing on the cake has to be the loads that the older gent gave you. Gotta' love that! Congratulations.
Ha Dr Mike. I can't see that God would really care what bullets I shoot, but I'm starting to think he's pushing me towards these 180 gr RN for some reason. :) With what I've got to pull on these old reloads, I've now managed to stumble as you put it, into 4 boxes of these without really trying.

I aint proud, I'll shoot them! (y) Been kinda on my bucket list to use this bullet in the 06 for deer this yr anyways.
FWIW, when I was hand loading commercially, I found that 180 HDY SP were consistently among the most accurate bullet I could use to test the 300 WSM. With time, I found that the Hornady cup-and-core bullet in most cartridges produced consistent and exceptional accuracy. That didn't always hold true when it came to premium bullets, but it was sufficiently consistent with the cup-and-core bullets produced in Grand Island that I would reach for the red box when I was first working with an unknown rifle. I still have a good inventory of Hornady bullets. Mind you, I like Nosler bullets, but it was hard to beat quality/price combination of Hornady bullets.
Sounds like another 3006 preacher!

Definitely happy you got this ole girl shooting well again!

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DrMike":23qjprg4 said:
FWIW, when I was hand loading commercially, I found that 180 HDY SP were consistently among the most accurate bullet I could use to test the 300 WSM. With time, I found that the Hornady cup-and-core bullet in most cartridges produced consistent and exceptional accuracy. That didn't always hold true when it came to premium bullets, but it was sufficiently consistent with the cup-and-core bullets produced in Grand Island that I would reach for the red box when I was first working with an unknown rifle. I still have a good inventory of Hornady bullets. Mind you, I like Nosler bullets, but it was hard to beat quality/price combination of Hornady bullets.

I've found Hornady 150's 165's, a few 180 spitzers I had on hand, and most recently the 130 SP's to be quite accurate in the 06.

Although I will say like a lot of things I don't think QC is what it once was with the Interlocks. I had some old boxes of 150's that shot lights out........they had a nice scalloped edge where the copper jacket met the lead tip. Now they look like you flattened a pancake of lead on top of the jacket, and no scalloped edge.

They still shoot, but I haven't got them to shoot quite as good ever since.
Great score.

Same sentiments about Hornady. That red box has been good. Good hunting Bullets too.
SJB358":41n7mciu said:
Great score.

Same sentiments about Hornady. That red box has been good. Good hunting Bullets too.

Yep. Nothing wrong at all with those old basic cup and core's, particularly for whitetail hunting. I wish Nosler would come back with a competitively priced basic cup and core, like their old solid base. I'd be all over that.

Good to hear that you have a shooter.
I have always liked the RN for woods hunting.
It would be nice to find some Hornady .358 250 gr RN for the 35 Whelen but I don't think Hornady is making them anymore. Yes, the Nosler Solid Base SP was a good bullet and I would use them for deer hunting. A RN version would be very cool.

I’m a RN fan also. I get solid accuracy out of them for reasonable hunting range. Can’t beat the classic look.
gbflyer":laoisxnz said:
I’m a RN fan also. I get solid accuracy out of them for reasonable hunting range. Can’t beat the classic look.
Especially the Remington SPCL

JD338":upo4in57 said:
gbflyer":upo4in57 said:
I’m a RN fan also. I get solid accuracy out of them for reasonable hunting range. Can’t beat the classic look.
Especially the Remington SPCL


I was kinda hoping these were Remington RNCL's, but I think they're hornady's. Far as I know Hornady and Remington are the only bullets in the old standard C&C that use a cannelure.

I hate to throw away all the powder I'm getting out of these old reloads, but I can't figure out what it is, and wouldn't shoot it on a bet. The man that loaded these for this gent, most certainly was a novice, and that's putting it nicely. The nice old gent I got these off of can be thankful some of them didn't go off.

I'll get the bullets, primers, and about half the cases from the reloads, along with all the once fired factory cases. The powder I pulled so far is now lawn fertilizer.