Winchester model 70 bolt


May 20, 2006
Can you interchange a pre 64 bolt with the non rotating claw extracter with the post 64 models?

What is done when accurizing a action on a model 70 rifle?
There are 3 componets of "blueprinting" an action:
Truing the action and squaring the action are the samething. The smith puts the action in the lathe and spins it, cutting a small amount off the end of the action where the threads are, making it perfectly "square" so the barrel will screw on straight. Of the three components of "blueprinting" in my opinion, this is the most importants.

Next come lapping the lugs. This consists of using small amounts of a very fine valve grinding compounds, to insure the lugs are perfectly flat and engage the receiver.

Last is squaring the bolt face. Very similar to squaring the action, but done with the bolt to ensure the face if perfectly flat with the rounds.

If all three operations are performed the action has been "blueprinted" This ensures that everything from the boltface, to the round, to barrel are perfectly straight each and every time, maximizing accuracy....

If you consider the mechanics behind these operations, you can see why they only need to be done once.