Wind consideration and elevated vantage points.


Dec 13, 2006
What do people think......

Was out looking for spring bears....went to a place where I know there are bears, water down below and timber behind. Lots of grass along the closed dirt road.

I hiked upon the backside hill and was 95 to 160 yds above the area I was watching. It was a 35 degree angle down (I hike the road around back, but previously did go straight up....). Wind was slightly swirling.

How concerned with spiraling wind crossing into "watched" area if I am that high above the area


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Wind is a big issue when it comes to bears and they just won't come out of the heavy timber if they sense you are there. Not much you can do on those days when the wind doesn't cooperate. Hopefully things will work out for you and the wind will be in a constant direction next time out.
I do like the spot. Lot of relatively young Doug Fir. They like peeling the bark in the spring too.
I took a bear there a couple years ago. Was walking up the bottom road and he was moving up the hillside.

This afternoon I decided that I didn't have time to relocate, so sat until dark. Nothing appeared, have had multiple elk come through this area in the pass.

Western OR bears like the thick re-prod, being close to water and some spring grass is always a plus. The bears are the ghost of the forest around here.
Grew up on the west side, back when you could still hunt bears with dogs. Had a lot of fun, sort of, chasing them through the rainforest.