Would you fear???

Thanks for the great info. I know that the straight on shot is not the best or it could be a mess field dressing but I was faced with that shot last year and the 338 did the job. I could not have passed it up because I was busted and it was now or never on a nice buck. I just want to make sure that if the situation would happen again, that I can let it rip and worry about the "mess" after the deer is down.
Front on, stem to stern shots are almost certain to go into the gut and explode the mass in there. Pretty messy to clean up afterwards.

It's almost certain in a hunting situation the deer is going to lift it's head enough to take a clear neck shot and that would be the shot I'd wait for...perhaps not at 100yds unless in a really comfortable shooting position, usually difficult in the field, - but 20-75 for sure if in a half reasonable shooting position.