I don't remember who uses this but they are disappointed that Winchester discontinued it.
Graf & Sons has it in stock and on sale in the close out section.
Hope this helps someone.
I use a fair amount of this powder. It works very well for me with 180 grain bullets in the 300 WSM, with 140 grain bullets in the 280, with 160 grain bullets in the 7mm RM and in a number of other applications. Unfortunately, I can't take advantage of this offer. I do, however, still have a few pounds left in my private store. If someone is looking for a good powder that covers a broad spectrum of applications, this would be a good one to have around.
Does anybody have a clue why Winchester can't keep a slow burning powder on the market?
I think there was a 780 or 780 BR, then the W785, then WMR (which I like and have a good supply) then WXR and now I think BR780?
WMR did well but not spectacular in my .243, 6Mm Rem. .257 Robt. extremely well in my .270 and .300 Win. Mag., shows real promise in my .280 Rem. but does not work worth spit in the 30-06. :?: Winchester only showed two loads, a 200 gr. and 220 gr. for the 06 and used the same charge for both bullets. (55.5 gr. IIRC) Didn't work very well in my .338 Win. mag. as well. However, in my .270 the load I worked up to does 2930 FPS with the 150 gr. Sierra Game King and 150 gr. Nosler Partition. I get 2950 FPS with the 200 gr. Speer Hot Core or 200 gr. Nosler Partition in my 26" barreled .300 Win. mag. Accuracy with those loads is sub-MOA 99 percent of the time. If it's not, believe me it's my fault, not the gun or loads.
Paul B.