WY mule deer?


Dec 2, 2010
I am starting the process of putting together a mule deer hunt in WY this fall. I'm not 100% sure I can pull it off but I want to do some research. I see that the way for me to go it in a general unit. My thought is one with public land so I don't have to worry about all the private land in the area. I am thinking the areas around the Big Horns. Any advice as to where a guy should look or not look in the state of WY, or should I be looking at Colorado? (I don't have points for CO but 2 for WY) I would have to share my points with my brother-in-law.
Tips from my trip 2 years ago -

You already have the GPS info, so you're good there.

The season "may" be only a week long depending on the unit. If so, EVERYONE will be in the field for the Sat/Sun of the season, and you will see so many people that it will feel like deer hunting on public land in Wisconsin.

Be in shape. There is more opportunity/requirement to walk to get to the mule deer, and the country is more rugged, than with antelope. The guys we know who walked "just over the mountain" got their deer, while since Dad didn't want to climb we did not even though in the same area.

Talk to the local game wardens if possible, and probably easier to talk with them now than in the fall. That will help you determine where the deer tend to be.

As you know, use the draw success info from 2015 to help determine where you want to attempt to get a license.

I think that had we been able (willing?) to move up and down the mountains a bit I think we would have had success. The bucks we saw were either a) after dark, b) on private land, or c) too far away when I had no place to rest my rifle. I ended up taking a huge whitetail doe on the last day of our hunt so at least I didn't go home emptyhanded.
I've only hunted deer in a couple of different areas in Wyoming.

It's not a sure thing, especially if your hunting time is limited. Like Dr. Vette, I too settled for a doe, a mule deer doe, one year. But overall I've done just fine, taking three bucks, that one doe, a couple of antelope and one good bull elk in my Wyoming hunts.

I've hunted the area between Cody and Yellowstone. It was tough hunting, hiking up the canyon at high elevation, and then having to make longish shots. But we sure didn't see anyone else, and we did pack out two deer, on our backs! Take a good pack frame... It is public land. Also, be Very Aware of grizzlies. They're out there - a surprising number of them - and they've had some fatal run-ins with hunters and hikers. Meaning the grizzly won.

I felt seriously under-gunned with my .25-06 and 115 gr hollow point Bergers when we had grizzly sow and cub tracks on the same trail we were using - packing a boned out mulie on our backs...

Otherwise, I've been hunting private land well to the east in Wyoming, and frankly am loving it. Good hunts. But it does take a pretty good check to the rancher to make it happen

With two points, you should be able to draw a pretty good tag - I've done well with no points in Wyoming.

Thanks for the info. I just checked and I only have 1 point going into the draw so we will be in the <1 category.

I guess I am trying to decide if I should look into Colorado or Wyoming at this point. The WY app is not due until May 31 so I have time.

I went fishing with my brother in law yesterday and all he could talk about was mule deer hunting, so he is excited.
I have only hunted Wyoming for Antelope but have hunted SD,MT,ID,CO,IA, and what I have learned is get away from road you will eliminate most people and it's worth the walk. I half quartered deer just to go 1/2 mile to the road because it was rough country, or like last fall 2 1/2 mile from the road. Good Hunting.
Don't waste your money on a Region B tag.........I literally saw more deer inside the Newcastle city limits than I did afield.
...some good bucks up in the Bighorns, better access than a lot of other places, which means more hunters, if you can get in back of the ranches on the bottom, or up on the higher ridges on top you've got a good chance. Check the success ratios on the WYG&F website...