Wyoming antelope help

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
I've been wanting to take an antelope for many years. I know there are lots of them in wyoming but I was wondering if you need a guide or access fee private property hunt or what is the best (not most expensive) way to go? I was hoping some of you Wyoming folks might have some suggestions. I don't need much, just a place with animals. I don't mind an access fees but a guided hunt takes me quite a while to save up for and I can walk and drag a long ways if I get to hunt more often. I can trade for Idaho deer and elk info, maybe even hunt together but Wyoming has lots of deer and elk too. (Help)!
Elk hunt :?
If you draw area 47 call me. I will take you out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't live in Wyo. but close - CO. Not exactly sure what you had in mind specifically, but I know for a fact that you can purchase a non-res. female tag for less than $50 OTC. That includes their "wildlife stamp" fee. Anyway, if you're after a B&C type animal, I'm afraid I can't provide any information. A lot of my fellow gunsmithing school students went up there and nearly everyone came back with an animal. Not sure where you'd be traveling from but the areas around Laramie have a ton of animals. (I wanted to go but didn't have an appropriate rifle.) There's a lot of public land in Wyo. so access isn't a problem. Just make sure you're aware of the regs regarding vehicles, etc. in the area you're going to be hunting.

P.S. There's a good chance you'll have your Pronghorn before noon. Think about bringing your varmint rifle so you can shoot PD's the rest of the day.
Thank you all. Area 47, I'll have to look that up. Is at a hard draw with 1 preference point?
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Tried to post on this one once b4 but apparently didnt go through. My advice if you had an offer from a local is to take it. It can help you juge a good buck from average one for the area. Also, good company makes it more fun!! Good luck and send pics!!! CL
Greg Nolan":14a1hqor said:
Thank you all. Area 47, I'll have to look that up. Is at a hard draw with 1 preference point?
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

Yup it is hard! The reason is that everybody puts in for that area due to the huge chunk of public land.
I just got the hunting regs and checked the draw odds and they don't look too bad with the preference point if I'm reading them right. If I didn't know better I would think all the fish and game departments hire rocket scientists to complicate the regs. I think I got it figured out and I'll be putting in for a tag when the apps. start. How's the cow elk hunting there??
Thanks again for all the help
Elkhunt :grin:
Hey Greg--I've always wanted to take an antelope in Wyoming as well. We hunt every year in NM on private landowner tags when we don't draw (which we haven't in the past 7 years).

Let me know if you're planning a trip. We might want to horn in.
