Wyoming Draw results out!

Congrats Fotis, you did well in the draws. We didn't draw Antelope again this year. Maybe next year.

I know We were looking forward to seeing you guys.
You should have called me man........
Wow. Well done.

Given the continued marked decrease in antelope tags we decided not to donate to Wyoming Game & Fish this year until it's time to buy points.
I'm jealous of those who drew, as it's one of my favorite hunts.
I only putin for deer in Wyoming and did not draw. Will buy points for antelope. My girls have 7 or 8 each for antelope but we will let the herds build before I take two silly girls after them-so they can see a lot and miss one or two and stalk more than once and just have a lighthearted time.
Waiting for utah antlerless results, it’s sad when that is my only hope!
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Excellent Fotis! I hope you make the best of those tags and enjoy your season.

Like Filmjunkie/Dale, I didn't draw any tags but I do have over-the-counter Washington tags for bear, deer, elk and cougar. We shall see. Bear season opens soon, August 1st! I'm taking a new hunter in his late 20's out this year to see if we can get him his first bear and first deer. :)

Best of luck to all you hunters this year!

Wife and I drew our two antelope tags. The local herd is a little healthier than some places in Wyo. I drew two cow elk tags in different areas. Just covering the bases, two antelope and one elk would carry us to next year. We have willing consumers in the fam if we need help!